Question 1.
(A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statement.
(1) Thomas Cook established a travel agency selling …… .
(a) handicrafts
(b) toys
(c) food items
(d) tourist tickets
Answer :
(d) tourist tickets
(2) Bhilar is known as the ‘Village of …….’ .
(a) books
(b) plants
(c) mangoes
(d) forts
(B) Identify and write the wrong pair in the following set.
(1) Matheran – Hill Station
(2) Tadoba – Rock-cut Caves
(3) Kolhapur – Pilgrim Centre
(4) Ajanta – World Heritage
Answer :
(2) Tadoba – Rock-cut Caves
Question 2.
Explain the following statements with reasons.
(1) The number of people travelling back and forth from India has increased considerably.
Answer :
- It has become easier to travel because of the easy availability of a number of options like railway, marine and air services.
- Marine has linked the coastal regions. Aviation has brought the entire world closer.
- The economic liberalisation policy of the Indian government has made the travel easier.
- People travel for studies, relaxation, sightseeing and professional assignments (meetings, etc.), also for shooting films.
- Therefore, there has been a considerable increase in the number of people travelling back and forth from India.
(2) It is important to take a few primary precautions in order to preserve the historical heritage sites.
Answer :
India has rich natural and cultural heritage. In order to preserve the historical sites following precautionary measures should be taken.
- Avoid vandalising or defacing the heritage monuments and sites.
- To refrain from activities like Writing on the wall or carving on the trees.
- Ancient monuments should not be painted in garish colours.
- Lack of good amenities in the precincts of the heritage sites causes filthiness. Proper amenities should be provided.
- Heritage monuments like forts and other monuments are testimonies of our glorious past and they serve as guide for future generations.
- Therefore, they should be preserved.
Question 3.
Write short notes :
(1) Tradition of Travelling
Answer :
- The tradition of travelling from one corner to another is not new.
- It existed in India since ancient times. In stone age, man was constantly on the move in search of food but that was just wandering not travelling.
- India has got a rich tradition of travelling. People go for local fairs, temple fairs, festivals and pilgrimage which comes under cultural tourism. People travelled long distance for education and trade. Many students visited Nalanda, Takshshila universities in the past.
- As travelling is a natural instinct in man, the tradition of travelling for various reasons is prevalent since ancient times.
(2) Marco Polo
Answer :
- Marco Polo the Italian traveler of the 13th century
- He introduced Asia, especially China to Europe.
- He stayed in china for 17 years.
- He was the first European traveller to reach China taking the silk route.
- He wrote about the rich flora and fauna, social lite, information on culture and trade system in Asia. His writings initiated trade between Europe and Asia.
(3) Agro-tourism
Answer :
Visit to agricultural centres and agricultural universities comes under agro-tourism.
- In recent times lot of research is conducted in the agricultural field. Many new agricultural universities and research centres are formed in India.
- Projects are undertaken to inform farmers about suitable soil for their crops, organic manures, earthworm compost, etc. Sikkim state is the first organic state of India.
- Though it receives less rainfall, Israel has made a lot of development in agricultural sector.
- To obtain information on novel techniques in farming and on projects started, students and city people travel to places.
- Now, Indian farmers are also visiting faraway places like agricultural research centres, agricultural universities, and countries like Israel where experimentation in advanced technology of agriculture is carried out.
- As urban population has very little exposure to rural lite and agriculture, agro-tourism is developing rapidly.
Question 4.
Answer the following questions in detail.
(1) What are the crucial issues in the development of tourism
Answer :
In modern times, tourism is not limited to being a job-oriented profession but it also contributes to the nation's development.
- Safety of the tourists and secure transport facilities should be given utmost preference.
- Availability of good accommodation and amenities of reasonably good standard should be made available. Good washroom facilities on the travel routes and at tourists sites should be provided.
- Pamphlets, guides, maps should be made available to the tourists, preferably in their own language. It would be helpful if taxi drivers are trained to converse in more than one languages. They can also be trained as tourist guides.
- Attention should be given towards the needs of specially challenged people.
(2) In what way tourism becomes a major source of their livelihood?
Answer :
In the following Ways development takes place at local level because of tourism :
- Local markets are developed in the vicinity of a tourist site.
- There is considerable increase in purchase and sales of goods liked by tourists. Production and sale of ethnic handicraft goods increase eventually leading to the development of these industries and economic well-being of the skilled craftsmen.
- Increase in demand of locally processed food, hotel services, accommodation and in shops leads to development of these services.
- Local transport, travel agents, guides are in demand. Hence more and more employment opportunities are generated.
(3) What would you do to develop the surroundings of your village / town to help the growth of tourism?
Answer :
It is important to have an understanding of our surroundings‘. For that some ground work is essential.
- Historical monuments and temples should be conserved and preserved. Boards having information on them should be put up around the city. We need to pay attention towards cleanliness.
- Beaches should be clean, as clean beaches always attract tourists.
- Tourists are interested to see projects like earthworm composts, zero waste and working of solar power projects. If such projects are installed they become centre of major tourist attraction.
- Similarly, tourists are interested to see local art, culture, and cottage and handicraft industry. They are enthusiastic to buy locally made handicrafis as souvenirs. I feel if there is economical, geographical, cultural and educational development in our surroundings it will definitely boost tourism.
Question 5.
Complete the following Concept chart :

Answer :
Rock cut caves : Ajanta, Verul, caves
Natural Heritage :Kas plateau
Sanctury : Dajipur sancturies in western ghats
Railway Station : Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus
Question 6.
Give elaborate answers to the following.
(1) What are the professional fields associated with tourism ?
Answer :
The following fields are related to tourism :
- Hotels, lodging and boarding services.
- Shops selling food items and catering services, etc.
- A revival or boost to Handicraft and Cottage industry, resulting in economic well-being of the skilled craftsmen.
- Demand for industries affiliated to hotel industry like Dairy industry, Agro industry which supplies vegetables, fruits, fish and meat increases.
- Transport services which are required by tourists such as bus, autorickshaw and taxi, increase in numbers.
- Travel agents, photographers, guides, etc. and other professions related to tourism get a boost.
(2) Describe any three types of tourism.
Answer :
Tourism has been classified into many types, three important types of them are :
Historical Tourism :
- Tourism and history are inseparable.
- The number of people visiting historical places are increasing day by day.
- Tours are arranged to see forts, battlefields which narrate stories of valour of our ancestors and monuments made by them.
- Tourists visit memorials of freedom fighters, forts built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, palaces built by kings, important places related to the Indian war of independence in 1857, and ashrams of Mahatma Gandhi and Vinoba Bhave.
- Thus, this type of historical tourism is popular all around the World.
Sports Tourism :
- Sports tourism developed in the 20th century. It involves travelling either to participate in a sporting event or to Watch the event.
- Various sports events are organised at local and state level for different inter school competitions. National level Sports Competitions are also held. International cricket, hockey and football tournaments are held at regular intervals.
- Wimbledon, French Open, Australian Open and US Open lawn tennis tournaments are held. Every four years, Olympics and Asian Games are held in the country which is the host. Events like the Himalayan car rally at the national level and Maharashtra Kesari at the state level are held.
- Travelling to participate in these events as players, coaches, umpires, referees, organisers or to attend them as spectators come under sports tourism.
International Tourism :
- International tourism is on the rise in modern times because of availability of transport facility.
- International tourism is on the rise because people travel for various reasons like international literary conferences, World summits, meetings, business deals, site seeing and visit to religious places.
- International seminars and conferences are held. Film festivals are arranged. Such events promote international tourism.