Solutions-Class 10-Science & Technology-1-Chapter-6-Refraction of Light -Maharashtra Board

Refraction of Light

Based on Class 10-Science & Technology Part-1-Chapter-6- Maharashtra Board


Question 1:

Fill in the blanks and Explain the completed sentences.
(i) . Refractive index depends on the ............. of light.
(ii) The change in ................ of light rays while going from one medium to another is called refraction.


(i) Refractive index depends on the wavelengthof light.
(ii) The change in directionof light rays while going from one medium to another is called refraction.

Question 2:

Prove the following statements.

(i) If the angle of incidence and angle of emergence of a light ray falling on a glass slab are i and e respectively, prove that, i = e.


In the fig SR || PQ and OM is the reflected ray Hence r1=r2

Let μ be the refractive index of the glass slab.

Then, according to Snell's law,

\(\frac{sin\,\,i}{sin\,\, r_1}\) = μ    .....(i)


\(\frac{sin\,\,r_2}{sin\,\, e}\) = \(\frac{1}{μ}\) .... .....(ii)

But r1=r2

Putting (iii) in (i), we get

\(\frac{sin\,\,i}{sin\,\, r_2}\) = μ .....(iv)

Multiplying (ii) and (iv), we have

\(\frac{sin\,\,i}{sin\,\, r_2}\) x \(\frac{sin\,\,r_2}{sin\,\, e}\) = μ x \(\frac{1}{μ}\) 

∴ \(\frac{sin\,\,i}{sin\,\, e}\) = 1

∴ i = e proved

(ii) A rainbow is the combined effect of the refraction, dispersion, and total internal reflection of light.


The rainbow formation in the sky is the combined effect of the refraction, dispersion, and total internal reflection of light.

(1) The sunlight is a mixture of seven colours,. The atmosphere contains a large number of water droplets after raining stopped.

When sunlight is strike on a water droplet, there is

  • refraction and dispersion of light as it passes from air to water
  • internal reflection of light inside the droplet and
  • refraction of light as it passes from water to air.

(2) The refractive index of water is different for different colours, being maximum for violet and minimum for red. Hence, there is dispersion of light into different colours as it passes from air to water. As shown in Fig

(3) The combined action of different water droplets, acting like tiny prisms, is to produce a rainbow with red colour at the outer side and violet colour at the inner side. The remaining five colours lie between these two.

We see the rainbow when the sun is behind the us and water droplets in the front.

Question 3:

Mark the correct answer in the following questions.

A. What is the reason for the twinkling of stars?
i . Explosions occurring in stars from time to time
ii. Absorption of light in the earth’s atmosphere
iii. Motion of stars
iv. Changing refractive index of the atmospheric gases.


The correct reason for the twinkling of stars is changing refractive index of the atmospheric gases. The correct answer is option (iv).

B. We can see the Sun even when it is little below the horizon because of
i. Reflection of light
ii. Refraction of light
iii. Dispersion of light
iv. Absorption of light


We can see the Sun even when it is little below the horizon because of refraction of light. Correct option is (ii)

C. If the refractive index of glass with respect to air is 3/2, what is the refractive index of air with respect to glass?
(i). 1/2 (ii). 3 (iii). 1/3 (iv). 2/3


Refractive index of air with respect to glass is 2/3. The correct answer is option (iv).

Question 4:

Solve the following examples.
(i). If the speed of light in a medium is 1.5 × 10
8 m/s, what is the absolute refractive index of the medium?


C = 3×108 m/s , v=1.5×108 m/s

Absolute refractive index of a medium, 

μ=Speed of light in air/Speed of light in the medium = c/v

⇒μ=\(\frac{3×10^8}{1.5×10^8}\) = 2

2 is the absolute refractive index of the medium

(ii) If the absolute refractive indices of glass and water are 3/2 and 4/3 respectively, what is the refractive index of glass with respect to water?


μg=3/2 and μw=4/3 μgw=?

μgw=Refractive index of glass w.r.t. water

μg=Absolute refractive index of glass

μw=Absolute refractive index of water

μg=3/2 and μw=4/3

μgw = \(\frac{μ_g}{μ_w}\)= \(\frac{3}{2}\) x \(\frac{3}{4}\) = 9/8

9/8 is Refractive index of glass w.r.twater

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Useful links :

Main Page : - Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science & Technology Part-1,Part-2  - All chapters notes, solutions, videos, test, pdf.

Books :  MSBSHSE -Class 10th Science Text Books – Chapter wise Text Book PDF of all chapter for download 

Videos : MSBSHSE Class 10th Science & Technology-1-Videos  - Chapter wise Videos of all chapter.

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  1. Use your brain power answer is not ther

    1. Noted, will try to included in next update. Thanks

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