Question 1:
Fill in the blanks with appropriate word.
(i). Laughter club is a remedy to drive away -- -- -- --.
(ii). Alcohol consumption mainly affects -- -- -- -- system.
(iii). The IT act -- -- -- -- is to curb the cyber crimes.
(i). Laughter club is a remedy to drive away stress.
(ii). Alcohol consumption mainly affects nervous system.
(iii). The IT act 2000 is to curb the cyber crimes.
Question 2:
Answer the following.
1. Which factors affect the social health?
The ability of a person to establish relationship with other persons is called social health
Factors affecting the social health :
(1) Satisfying basic needs of people - food, clothing, shelter, medicines, Transport facilities
In order to maintain the social health of any community there should be good amenities for the people. E.g. food, water, shelter, clothing, medicines and medical help, equal opportunities for education, cleanliness of the surroundings, transport facilities etc. should be properly provided.
(2) Social security , Social treatment, Political conditions
Social support was also considered effective by young adults in providing social health. The level of social support has a significant role in social health. The social and political conditions of the surrounding should be crime free & secure. The presence of criminal ties with politicians and law maker can affect the social health to a great extent.
(3) Social and Physical conditions of the surrounding , Playgrounds, Gardens, Water, Toilets, job opportunities, Financial status
The gardens, playgrounds, the empty plots for outdoor games, sports clubs, educational facility etc are important criteria for overall development of the society. This results into personality development and make people happy and strong.
(4) Addictions, criminal tendencies, pervert behaviour and perverse thinking affects other people in the society and this reflects negatively on the social health.
(5) Having large number of friends and relatives, proper use of time when alone and when along the peer group, trust in others, respect and acceptance for others build stronger social health.
2. Which changes occur in persons continuously using internet and mobile phones?
Time is very precious thing in human life, we should spend our time in such things that it will add good changes in social health, physical health and our mental health.
Continuous use of mobile phone and being hooked to the social media slowly becomes addiction. There are various physical and mental changes which occur in a person who continuously uses internet and mobile phones. Some of the physical and mental changes are:
Physical changes:
- tiredness and headache
- insomnia
- forgetfulness
- tinnitus and joint pain
- problems in vision
- weight gain
Mental and emotional changes:
- the person becomes irritant
- lack of patience
- development of aggression
- the person becomes introvert and self centered.
3. Which problems do the common man faces due to incidences of cyber crime?
- Cyber crime is a crime which uses the electronic media for carrying out illegal actions, such as hacking data, misuse/illegal sale of literature, etc.
- The numbers of Aadhaar card, PAN card, credit or debit card are obtained by the This is a cybercrime. The PIN number can be misused and the money can be withdrawn from the bank accounts. The looters withdraw cash from our accounts in this way.
- There are various effects which cyber crime has on the mental social health of an individual. It can lead to monetory loss, leak of data and personal information of individuals and organisations etc.
- Fake account on social media is opened and false information is displayed on it. Through such accounts the girls are emotionally and financially exploited, religious hate spread.
- Electronic media are misused for sending derogatory and vulgar messages, obscene pictures and provocative statements.
- In all such different ways common people can be victimized by cybercrime. Due to this mental disturbance is reciprocated in the form physical and social effects which directly or indirectly affect the interpersonal relationship of individuals.
4. Explain the importance of good communication with others.
- Nowadays there is a fierce competition, insecurity and criminal tendencies in the society creates mental and emotional stress.
- Communication is a vital skill which plays an important role from personal to professional life.
- Good communication skills does not only mean good verbal skills but it also implies to one's listening skills.
- Problems like mental disorders, depression can be solved by proper communication.
- Communication with others helps to overcome your problems, provide you with moral support and also you get to understand the perspective of people on different issues.
- Harmonious relations with parents and family members can be re-established by good communication.
- Good communication skills help people to gain confidence and overcome stress situations.
- Good communication skills help you to make friends with long lasting relationship.
- It also teaches you how to put forward your points without hurting the sentiments of others.
- In other words we can say that, good communication skill result in the personality development of an individual.
Question 3:
Solve the following cross-word
1. Continuous consumption of alcoholic and tobacco-materials.
2. This app may cause the cyber crimes.
3. A remedy to resolve stress.
4. Requirement for stress free life.
5. Various factors affect -- -- -- health.
6. Art of preparing food items.

Question 4:
Which are various ways to minimize stress?
The ways of minimizing stress are mentioned below:
- Joining Tracking club
- Enjoying small get-together, picnic
- Positive thinking
- Joining laughter Club : Here people gather and laugh collectively to reduce stress.
- Indulging in favourite hobbies, such as singing, dancing, gardening, etc.
- Going for walks and practicing yoga and meditation.
- Playing favorite outdoor games.
Establishing good communication with family members and friends, siblings and teachers also help to reduce stress.
Question 5:
Give three examples of each.
i. Hobbies to reduce stress.
ii. Diseases endangering the social health.
iii. Physical problems arising due to excessive use of mobile phones.
iv. Activities under the jurisdiction of cyber crime laws.
(i) Hobbies to reduce stress- To listen to music, Singing, playing sports and reading good books
(ii) Diseases endangering the social health- Tuberculosis, AIDS, leprosy and mental disorders
(iii) Physical problems arising due to excessive use of mobile phones- tiredness, Vision problem, headache and joint pain
(iv) Activities under the jurisdiction of cyber crime laws- hacking of information, sale or misuse of written literature and spreading vulgar pictures
Question 6:
What will you do? Why?
1. You are spending more time in internet/mobile games, phone, etc.
- In life, the time once spent never returns back.
- If, I am spending more time on phones and video games, then the first thing is that I should realise that I am spending lot of time on these things.
- I would try to limit my usage of mobiles, video games etc. by diverting myself into other activities.
- I must use time for studies, exercise or outdoor games.
- I should help my parents in house work.
- I would make a conscious effort to take out more time for social gatherings and make new friends in personal rather than on social media sites.
2. Child of your neighbor is addicted to tobacco chewing.
- My first step would be to inform his parents about addiction of child.
- I wil sit with the child and explain the hazardous of tobacco chewing.
- I will show him/her certain videos and pictures which highlight the damage caused by tobacco chewing.
- If required, I will asked parents to help the child or take professional advice.
3. Your sister has become incommunicative. She prefers to remain alone.
- Anybody who prefers to be incommunicative it means he/she has lots of thoughts in his/her mind.
- If this the case with my sister then there must be a reason to become incommunicative and my first step would be to figure out that reason.
- Once, I get to know the reason, I will help her in finding the solution to the problem.
- If she is in depression I will take care she will not be left alone.
- If required, I would look for professional help for her in the form of a psychologist.
- I would try to indulge her in more of social activities and things that she likes to do.
- I would advise her to talk to her friends and people who are close to her.
- Being incommunicative and preferring loneliness is not a good sign, it is important to deal with it at the earliest.
4. You have to use free space around your home for good purpose.
If I have free space around my house, I would use that space for various purposes like-
- Kitchen gardening- Small saplings can be planted here and nurtured for further growth.
- Playing outdoor games – Fix the badminton net and use to play badminton in evening.
- Taking classes for under privileged students.
- Draw the beautiful rangoli and other creative activities.
Planting ornamental and medicinal plants
5. Your friend has developed the hobby of snapping selfies.
- Continuous snapping selfies is a bad habit and this addiction is not good for physical, mental or social health.
- If my friend is addicted to taking selfies, I would prefer talking to him and highlight the dangers of taking selfies.
- I would bring into his notice the various incidents which have occurred due this selfie addiction.
- His self-centeredness to be removed by counselling him.
6. Your brother studying in XII has developed the stress.
- If studies are not done seriously from beginning of academic year, the stress develops due to the fear of examination and result.
- There are various reasons because of which my brother may have developed stress. Most possible reason is, that he is in class XII and is worried about his board exams and his future.
- However, my first step would be to sit down with him and understand the cause of his stress.
- Members of family should try to maintain happy and tension free atmosphere in the house.
- Everybody in the house talk to him in a manner that promotes him to think positively and his mind gets diverted from negative thoughts.
- He should be convinced “study is for you and you are not for study”.
7. What type of changes occurs in a home having chronically ill old person? How will you help to maintain good atmosphere?
- Having chronically ill old patients in a family affects the physical and mental state of others members of the family as well.
- It is not easy to handle old age people and if they are ill, it becomes all the more difficult.
- It not only affects the family monetarily but also drains them physically and emotionally as it is not easy to see the suffering of your loved ones.
- In such time everybody in the family should contribute to the work of the taking care of patient.
- They need to remain positive and ward off negative feelings and thoughts.
- We should help the person who is burdened by duties towards the sick patient.
- We can sit beside the patient during night time.
Just being present around them, protects them from the feeling of loneliness.
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