NCERT-Class 7-Science-Chapter-1-Nutrition in Plants

Nutrition in Plants

NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter-1-Notes,Solutions,Video,Tests, PDF



Topics to be learn :

  • Mode of nutrition in plants
  • Photosynthesis — food making process in plants
  • Synthesis of plant food other than carbohydrates
  • Other modes of nutrition in plants

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1 Nutrition :

(1) Nutrition : The process of ingesting and using food for energy in living organisms is called a process of nutrition.

(2) Food stuffs: Foodstuffs are the substances which are ingested, digested and assimilated to give energy, help in growth and building health of our body

(3) Nutrients- Certain substances are present in the foods that help in the survival of the organisms. These special substances are called nutrients for example, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and fats.

Some living organisms like plants synthesize their food by themselves while others such as animals depend upon the plants and other animals for their food.

(4) Need for nutrition :

(a) Supply of energy. Growth and development.

(b) Replacing the damaged cells and repairing worn out tissues.

(c) To fight diseases.

Based on the mode of nutrition organisms can be divided into two categories:

(I) Autotrophic nutrition : Some organisms like plants can prepare their own food for nourishment. This mode is called autotrophic nutrition.

(II) Heterotrophic nutrition : Some organisms like animals depend on other plants or animals, for their food. This is called heterotrophic nutrition. [/responsivevoice]

NCERT Class-7-Science-Chapter-1-Nutrition in Plants-Solution



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