Features of the constitution
Maharashtra Board-Class-7-Civics-Chapter-3
Topics to be learn :
Federalism :
- Federalism is the system of running administration of a country by the governments at two levels, i.e. for the whole country and the parts of the country, with each one making laws on separate/different subjects.
- Federal system of government is adopted in countries like India with large territories and huge population. The Federal/Union/Central Government carries out the administration of the entire country; whereas the State Government looks after administration of a particular region.
- The subjects related to the whole country, such as defence and foreign policy are entrusted to the Central Government.
- The subjects related to local matters, such as agriculture and health are entrusted to the State governments.
- These two run the administration of the country by mutual cooperation.
Separation of Powers [Division of Powers] :
The constitution has divided the subjects for making laws between the Union
Government and the State Governments.
Who deals with what subjects -
- Subjects with the Union Government : The Union List consists of 97 subjects, on which the Union Government alone may pass laws. These topics include war and peace, foreign affairs, currency, and international trade.
- Subjects with the State Government : The State List consists of 66 subjects on which the State Governments may pass laws. These topics include law and order, agriculture, local government, health, and the management of prisons, among others.
- Subjects with the both Governments : The Concurrent List consists of 47 subjects on which both governments may pass laws, including personal law, environmental protection, education, and economic and social planning.
- Residuary Powers are those subjects which are not included in any list and are assigned to the Union Government.
Union Territories :
- In Union Government and there are 29 States and 7 Union Territories.
- New Delhi, Daman and Diu, Puducherry, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli,
- Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep are the 7 Union Territories. They are controlled by the Union Government.
Parliamentary System of Government :
- Parliamentary System of Government has been provided by the Constitution; wherein the legislature is the highest decision-making body.
- Union Parliament consists of the President, the House of People (Lok Sabha) and the Council of States (Rajya Sabha).
- Council of Ministers run the administration and are responsible / answerable to the Lok Sabha.
- The discussion and debate that take place in the parliament one of great significance.
Independent Judiciary :
- The disputes that cannot be resolved mutually are referred to the judiciary.
- Independent Judiciary is created to resolve disputes.
- The court hears both the sides and gives justice impartially.
- In order to ensure that the judgements are given impartially, the Constitution of India has created an independent judiciary.
- The judges are appointed by the President. It is not easy to remove Judges.
Single citizenship :
The Indian Constitution has granted a single citizenship to all Indians. That is ‘Indian Citizenship.’
Process of Amending the Constitution :
- Changing circumstances make it necessary to amend the Constitution.
- Amendment to the Constitution can be made by Parliament according to the procedure laid down in the Constitution.
- However, frequent changes in the constitution may lead to instability.
- Any amendment to the Constitution of India can be made only after careful consideration through a specific procedure.
- This procedure is neither too difficult nor too easy.
- In this sense, the procedure to amend the Constitution of India is unique.
Election commission :
- As India has adopted a democratic form of the government. People have to elect their representatives periodically.
- The elections have to be conducted in a free and fair atmosphere to ensure that people vote without fear or under any pressure,
- The government by itself cannot guarantee free and fair elections.
- Therefore, the constitution has entrusted the responsibility of conducting elections to an independent machinery known as the Election Commission.
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Books : Maharashtra Board-Class 7th Civic Text Books – Chapter wise PDF for download Previous Chapter : Chapter 2: Preamble to the Constitution - Online Notes Next Chapter : Chapter 4: Fundamental Rights – Part I-Online Notes |