Solution-Class 9-Geography-Chapter-4-Exogenetic Processes Part-2-Maharashtra Board

Exogenetic Processes Part-2

Maharashtra Board-Class 9-Geography-Chapter-4


Question 1.

Rewrite the correct statement :

[Note : According to the Board ’s New Activity Sheet, only writing Correct or Incorrect is expected. Rewriting incorrect sentence recorrecting them it is not expected]

(1) The temperature range helps the wind in its work.

Answer :

Correct :

(2) River’s work is more prominent than other agents of erosion in desert regions.

Answer :

Incorrect :

(3) The work of groundwater is effective in the area with soft rocks.

Answer :

Correct :

(4) The work of wind is not limited like river, glacier or the sea waves and takes place everywhere.

Answer :

Correct :

Question 2.

Correct and rewrite the incorrect statements :

[Note : According to the Board ’s New Activity Sheet, only writing Correct or Incorrect is expected. Rewriting incorrect sentence recorrecting them it is not expected]

(1) The ice on the lateral side of the glacier moves faster than the ice at the base.

Answer :

Incorrect :

(2) The depositional work by rivers happens because of gentle slope, reduced speed and transported sediments.

Answer :

Correct :

(3) A river flows at a faster speed than the glacier.

Answer :

Correct :

(4) The speed of the glacier is more on both the banks than in the middle.

Answer :

Incorrect :

Question 3.

Identify the wrong pair :

(1) Deposition - V–shaped valley

(2) Transport - Ripple Marks

(3) Erosion - Mushroom Rocks

Answer :

(1) Deposition - V–shaped valley

Question 4.

Identify and name the landforms in the following diagrams :

Answer :

(A) V-shaped valley, (B) Gorge (canyon), (C) Delta

Question 5.

Complete the following table by classifying the landforms according to their agents of erosion.

(waterfall, delta, cirque, arête, barchans, moraine, pothole, mushroom rock, sinkholes, beach, pillars, lagoons)

Rivers Wind Glacier Sea waves Groundwater

Answer :

Rivers Wind Glacier Sea waves Groundwater
waterfall, delta, pothole barchans, mushroom rock cirque, arête, moraine beach, lagoons sinkholes, pillars

Question 6.

Answer the following questions in brief.

(1) List the landforms that are a result of the erosional work of the rivers.

Answer :

The landforms that are a result of the erosional work of the rivers are as follows:

(i) Gorges (Canyons) (ii) V-shaped valley (iii) Potholes (iv) Waterfall.

(2) Which agent is responsible for formation of stalactites and stalagmites and where are they formed?

Answer :

  • Groundwater is responsible for formation of stalactites and stalagmites.
  • In the areas of limestone, the alkaline water seeps at the top of the limestone caves.
  • When this water evaporates, minerals get deposited at the bottom and at the top of the limestone caves.
  • As its effect, stalactites and stalagmites are formed there.

(3) List the landforms that are produced by the depositional work of the sea waves

Answer :

The landforms that are produced by the depositional work of the sea waves are as follows :

(i) Beach (ii) Sandbars (iii) Lagoons. (iv) Name the types of moraines.

(4) Name the types of moraines.

Answer :

  • Moraines are classified as ground moraine, lateral moraine, medial moraine, and terminal moraine.
  • Ground moraine is the material deposited at the base of a glacier.
  • Lateral moraine is the material deposited along the banks of a glacier.
  • After the confluence of two glaciers, the moraine deposited in the central part of the glacier is known as medial moraine.
  • A large amount of moraine is deposited at the end of a glacier where it becomes a stream. The stream water cannot carry the moraine any further. Because the deposited moraine is at the glacier's terminus, it is referred to as terminal moraine.

Useful links :

Main Page : - Maharashtra Board Class 9th Geography  - All chapters notes, solutions, videos, test, pdf.

Previous Chapter : Chapter 3: Exogenetic Processes Part-1 - online Solution

Next Chapter : Chapter 5: Precipitation - online Solution