Notes-Class 6th-Civics-Chapter-3- Rural Local Government Bodies-Maharashtra Board

Rural Local Government Bodies

Maharashtra Board-Class 6th-Civic-Chapter-3


Topics to be Learn :

  • The Gram Panchayat
  • The Panchayat Samiti
  • The Zilla Parishad

Levels of governance :

The administration in our country is carried on at three levels.

  • Central (Union Government) : Responsible for : Defence, Foreign affairs, Currency & coinage.
  • State : Responsible for : Law and order, public health and education
  • Local : (a) Rural (b) Urban : Responsible for : Local issues

Panchayati Raj :

The three units of Rural local government, viz. Gram Panchayat. Panchayat Samiti

and Zilla Parishad are collectively described as the Panchayati Raj.

Urban local government :

Nagar Panchayat, Municipal Council and Municipal Corporation, are three types of

Urban local government.

Panchayati Raj Institutions at a glance :

Gram Panchayat :

1) Grampanchayat :

Topics Descriptions
1-Level at which functions Gram Panchayat for villages having population of 500 and above. If the population of a village is less than 500, two or more such villages come under one Gram Panchayat.
2-Number of Members 7 to 17
3-Term (Duration) 5 years
4-Office Bearers (i) Sarpanch (ii) Up-Sarpanch
5-Officials Gram Sevak appointed by the CEO of Zilla Parishad
6-Source of Income (i) Property tax, water tax, pilgrimage tax, market cess

(ii) Grants from the Zilla Parishad and the State Government

7- Main Functions The Gram Panchayat carries out the functions relating to

  • water supply,
  • electricity,
  • registration of births, deaths and marriages.


Gram Sabha : The assembly of all the voters of the village or rural area is the Gram Sabha. It is the most important organization of the people at the local level.

  • Assembly of all registered voters in the village, which meet six times in a financial year.
  • Meetings convened by the Sarpanch.
  • Annual report and statement of account discussed at the first meeting every year.
  • Gives approval to the village development schemes.
  • Makes suggestions to the Gram Panchayat.
  • Women’s participation important as they express their opinion on the various problems faced by the village.
  • May pass resolution like ban on production and consumption of liquor in the village.

The same is sent to the State Government.

Panchayat Samiti :

2) Panchayat Samiti :

Topics Descriptions
1-Level at which functions Taluka
2-Number of Members 15-45
3-Term (Duration) 5 years
4-Office Bearers (i) Chairman (ii) Deputy Chairman
5-Officials Block Development Officer appointed by the State Government
6-Source of Income (i)A portion of district fund

(ii) Grants from the state Government

7- Main Functions (i) Work for the development of block

(ii) Public health

(ii) Water supply

(iv) Agriculture

(v) Education

(vi) Cottage and village industries

(vii) Welfare activities


Zila Parishad :

3) Zila Parishad :

Topics Descriptions
1-Level at which functions District
2-Number of Members 50-75
3-Term (Duration) 5 years
4-Office Bearers (i) President (ii) Vice-President
5-Officials Chief Executive Officer, appointed by the State Government
6-Source of Income (i) Water tax, market cess, pilgrimage tax

(ii) Share of land revenue

(iii) Grants from the State Government

7- Main Functions (i) Work for the development of the district

(ii) Agriculture

(iii) Social welfare

(iv) Public health

(v) Education


In 1992 our Constitution was amended by the 73rd and 74th Amendment Act. These amendments have granted:

  • A constitutional status to the rural and urban local government bodies.
  • Given more powers to develop their respective areas more efficiently.
  • The number of subjects under their jurisdiction increased.
  • Sources of revenue increased.
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