Notes-Class 6th-Civics-Chapter-4-Urban Local Government Bodies-Maharashtra Board

Urban Local Government Bodies

Maharashtra Board-Class 6th-Civic-Chapter-4


Topics to be Learn :

  • The Nagar Panchayat
  • The Municipal Council
  • The Municipal Corporation

Urban local government bodies :

  • The Nagar Panchayat. The Municipal Council and the Municipal Corporation are the urban local government bodies.

Facilities and Problems in cities :

Facilities in cities :

  • Opportunities for industry and business
  • Expanding service sector
  • Large scale opportunities for jobs
  • Availability of facilities for entertainment, art, culture, etc.
Problems in cities :

  • Shortage of housing
  • Insufficient space
  • Traffic congestion
  • Problem of disposal of waste
  • Increasing crime
  • A large proportion of population in slums.

Urban local government structure :

Urban local government structure :


(1) Nagar Panchayat :

  • The villages that are in the process of becoming towns have a Nagar Panchayat.
  • The areas which are neither fully rural nor fully urban in such areas, the local government body is the Nagar Panchayat.
  • As with other local bodies, elections to a Nagar Panchayat are held every five years.
  • Administrative head of Nagar Panchayat is the Executive Officer, appointed by the State Government.
  • The councillors or ward members are chosen by direct election from electoral wards in the Nagar Panchayat.
  • The elected members choose a President and a Vice-President from among themselves.
  • Sources of Income : (i) Revenue from taxes. (ii) Grants from the State Government.

Functions of Nagar Panchayat :

  • Essential services and facilities to the urban area.
  • Sanitation program.
  • Street lighting and providing roads in wards and main roads of town.
  • Schools in urban areas.
  • Program for adult literacy and run city libraries.
  • Water supply to every ward of urban area.

(2) Municipal Council :

  • The Municipal Council is the local government body for small cities.
  • Elections to the Council are held every five years.
  • The elected representatives function as Councillors.
  • They choose a President from among themselves.

Administration :

  • The President of the Municipal Council is the chairman of all its meetings.
  • He controls the working of the Council and keeps a watch on the financial administration of the Council.
  • In the absence of the President, the Vice-President looks after the work of the Council.
  • For every Municipal Council, there is a Chief Officer. He implements the decisions taken by the Municipal Council. There are several officers who assist him.

Essential functions of a Municipal Council :

  • Lighting public streets.
  • Planning for social and economic development.
  • Urban forestry and protection of the environment.
  • Registration of births and deaths.
  • Restore or demolish dilapidated (old and in very bad condition) buildings.
  • Providing facilities for primary education.
  • Providing public dispensaries.
  • Making proper arrangements for crematoriums, burial grounds, etc.
  • Providing drinking water.
  • Making proper arrangements for sewage and drainage.
  • Providing fire-fighting services.

Discretionary functions of the Municipal Council :

  • Slum improvement and upgradation.
  • Urban poverty alleviation.
  • Providing facilities for secondary education.
  • Providing facilities like libraries, museums and gymnasiums.
  • Providing homes for the disabled and destitutes.
  • Building and maintaining gardens and public parks; planting trees on both sides of the road.

Income sources of Municipal Council :

  • The Municipal Council earns its revenue through a number of taxes levied on the people such as property tax, water tax, entertainment tax, etc.
  • The State Government also provides it with grants.
  • The Municipal Council can also raise a loan.

(3) Municipal Corporation :

  • The local body that provides different services to the people in big cities is called ‘Municipal Corporation’.
  • The first Municipal Corporation in Maharashtra was established at Mumbai.
  • The total number of members of a Municipal Corporation is determined so as to be in proportion to the population of the city.
  • The elections to the Corporation are held every five years.
  • The elected members are known as Corporators.
  • Corporators elect a Mayor and a Deputy Mayor from among themselves.
  • The Mayor is considered to be the first citizen of the city.
  • Mayor presides over all the meetings of the Corporation.
  • Many important issues regarding the city are discussed, and decisions regarding the development of the city are made in the General Body meeting of the Corporation.

Administration :

  • The Municipal Commissioner is the administrative head of the Municipal Corporation.
  • He is appointed by the State Government.
  • His main duty is to implement all the decisions taken by the Municipal Corporation.
  • He prepares the annual budget of the Municipal Corporation.
  • He attends all the General Body Meetings of the Corporation.

Obligatory functions of the Municipal Corporation :

  • Regular supply of drinking water.
  • Maintenance of roads and providing street lighting.
  • Registration of births and deaths.
  • Providing health-related services.
  • Making proper arrangements for sewage disposal.
  • Slum improvement and up-gradation.
  • Maintaining a fire-brigade.
  • Making arrangements for primary education.
  • Restoring or demolishing dilapidated (old and in very bad condition] buildings.

Discretionary functions of the Municipal Corporation :

  • Beautification of streets and crossroads.
  • Felicitating individuals for their outstanding contribution to the city or state.
  • Providing facilities for secondary and higher secondary education.
  • Providing for a public transport system.
  • Providing for public parks, gardens and playgrounds.
  • Planting trees and maintaining them.

Sources of income of the Municipal Corporation :

  • The Municipal Corporation collects various types of taxes such as property tax, water tax etc.
  • The corporation also gets grants from the State Government for the fulfilment of its various development projects.
  • The Municipal Corporation can also raise a loan to meet its financial demands.
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