Notes-Class 6th-General Science-Chapter-12-Simple Machines-Maharashtra Board

Simple Machines

Based on Maharashtra Board Class 6th General Science Chapter 12


Topics to be learn :

Simple machines

  • An inclined plane
  • Archimedes screw
  • A wedge
  • A lever
  • Pulley

Maintenance of machines

Machines : Devices which are used to get more work done in less time and less effort are called machines.

  • By the use of machine, we can finish the work in less time and with less effort.
  • If machines are not used, we require more time and more effort to complete even the simple tasks.

Simple machines : Machines having one or two parts and a simple and easy structure are called simple machines.

  • Examples : The nail cutter, the bottle opener, the wheel used to push the load are all machines. They have only one or two parts and a simple and easy structure.

Complex machines : Machines having many parts which carry out many processes for completing a task are called complex machines.

  • Examples : Motor bike, Mixer, Sewing Machine, Bicycle etc.  These machines have many parts which carry out many processes for completing a task. For this purpose, the parts are joined to one another.

We use simple as well as complex machines depending upon the task that we want to carry out. We also choose the machine as per the available time and efforts required for completing that task.

Simple machines - examples :

An inclined plane :

An inclined plane :

To load a heavy drum onto a truck, different methods can be used. In this activity, a plank was used.

  • A slanting plank used to load a weight is called an inclined plane.
  • Due to inclined plane, we bear less of the weight and lifting becomes easier.
  • The more gradual is the slope, we have to bear lesser weight. But the inclined plane is longer in this case. (Fig A)
  • The steeper the slope of an inclined plane, we have to bear greater weight. But the inclined plane is shorter in this case. (Fig B)

  • Screw is also a type of inclined plane.
  • The winding road or ghat is also an example of inclined plane wrapped around the mountain.


Archimedes screw :

Archimedes screw : It is a simple machine which was discovered by the great scientist Archimedes.

  • The well-known scientist Archimedes invented a machine which is called Archimedes screw.
  • It consists of a round pipe which is fitted with a rod inside it.
  • This pipe was placed at an angle of 45°.
  • Its one end is inside the water and the other end having rod rests on a flat surface.
  • By turning the rod, water gets lifted up in this device.
  • This machine was used to lift the water from the hold of a ship.


A wedge : When two inclined planes are joined to form a sharp tool, it is called a wedge.

  • Examples : An axe, a knife, a chisel, a needle, a nail are all different types of wedges.

A lever :

A lever ;

The lever is a type of simple machine which has three parts. viz. effort, load and fulcrum

  • The surface at which the rod of the lever is rested is called the ‘fulcrum’ of the lever.
  • Load‘ is the weight lifted by a lever or force against which the lever acts. The arm of the lever from fulcrum to the load is called the ‘load arm‘.
  • Effort’ is the force applied on the other end of the rod to lift the load. The part of the lever from the fulcrum to the effort is called the ‘effort arm‘.

There are three types of levers depending upon the positions of the effort, the fulcrum and the load. To understand the working of the three types of levers, we can perform some simple experiments.


Pulley :

Pulley :

  • A device with a grooved wheel and a thread designed to lift weights is called a pulley.
  • During the use of a pulley, force is applied in the downward direction for lifting the weight in an upward direction. This makes the work easier.


Q. A needle is required for stitching cloth, We use knife for cutting fruit. If the tip of a needle or the edge of a knife becomes blunt, then the needle does not penetrate the cloth and the knife does not cut into the fruit. Why is this so ?


Ans. If the needle becomes blunt or the edge of the knife loses sharpness, we need to put more force while using these. The frictional force also rises and therefore we cannot expect the same work from these equipment. Hence the needle as well as knife will not function the way they are supposed to work.

Maintenance of machines :

It is very important to take care of the machines otherwise we may not be able to use them efficiently.

Machines are damaged due to the following reasons :

  • Parts of the machine rubbing against each other due to continuous use.
  • Parts affected by weather and dust, they rust and erode.
  • Damage of the machine due to wear and tear.

Measures should be taken to maintain the machines :

Following measures should be taken to maintain the machines :

  • All the parts are wiped clean.
  • Oil or lubricant is released between parts that rub against each other.
  • Machines are covered when not in use to prevent dust settling on them.
  • Metallic parts in the machine are painted externally to prevent erosion and rusting due to weather.
  • Machines are kept dry.


If we do not maintain the machines properly, they will be not of any use when we actually need them.

Machines should be handled properly and with care so that there are no accidents.

Big factories have a separate department for the maintenance of machines.

Factories are closed at regular, fixed periods for the maintenance of machines.



Useful links of Class 6th General Science :

Main Page : Class 6th MSBSHSE – General Science - All chapters notes, solutions, videos, test, pdf.

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