Energy Resources
Class 6th-Geography-Chapter-9
Topics to be Learn :
Energy resources :
- As man’s needs increased, several changes took place in the use of energy resources and devices.
- Energy resources can be classified in many ways such as conventional and non-conventional, renewable and non-renewable, substance-based and process-based, etc.
Substance-based energy resources :
Substance-based energy resources are biotic. Availability of these resources is limited. The use of these resources leads to pollution. These resources cause damage to the environment.
Wood :
- In villages, wood is used on a large scale for cooking and earthen stoves.
Coal :
- Plant and animal bones were buried long ago owing to earth movements.
- They were then disintegrated by tremendous pressure and heat, leaving only carbon remaining. Coal was created as a result of this process.
- Low quality coal is used for cooking and coke and high quality coal is used in industries and thermal power stations.
Mineral oil and natural gas:
- Mineral oil is found under land surface and also below the ocean floor.
- In most of the mineral oil wells, reserves of natural gas are also found.
- Mineral oil reserves are limited in nature however it is in greater demand, Therefore its cost is very high.
- Mineral oil is also called black gold due to its blackish colour and high cost.
- Mineral oil and natural gas are used in thermal power generation.
Biogas :
- Biogas can be generated from biotic waste materials such as faeces of animals, dead leaves, shells, etc.
- This energy can be used for domestic needs such as cooking,heating water lighting lamps, etc.
- Some farmers have raised biogas plants in their own yards to cater to their domestic needs.
Energy from waste material :
- Waste generated in metropolitan cities can be segregated to use the biotic component to generate gas.
- This gas can be used to generate power.
- In future, this may help to solve the problem of waste disposal in cities, also the cities can become Self-reliant in terms of their power requirement.
Atomic energy :
- Splitting of the atoms of minerals like uranium and thorium can be used for power generation.
- In this process, using very small quantities of minerals, energy can be generated on a very large scale.
- Only few countries like India, U.S.A., Russia, France and Japan use atomic energy.
Process-based energy resources :
Process-based energy resources are abiotic. Availability of these resources is unlimited. The use of these resources does not lead to pollution. These resources are environment-friendly.
Hydel power :
- Hydel power is the power obtained from the kinetic energy of running water.
- Hydel power does not cause any degradation of the environment. Also, the water used in generating power can still be used again.
Wind energy :
- Nowadays, wind energy is being utilized for power generation.
- For power generation, a wind speed of 40 to 50 km/h is required.
- Due to this wind speed, the blades of the windmills turn, generating kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is further converted into electricity.
- This electricity can be used for agriculture, domestic use and industries.
Solar energy :
- We get light and heat from the sun.
- India is located in the torrid zone. Therefore, it has a lot of scope for using solar energy.
- Devices like cookers, lamps, heaters, vehicles, etc. can be run on solar power.
- The generation of solar power depends on the intensity of sunrays and the duration of sunshine.
Tidal energy :
- Sea Waves and tides are movements of ocean water that go on continuously.
- A technology has now been developed to generate power with the help of the Speed and force of sea waves.
- The kinetic energy of sea waves and tides is converted into electricity.
- This energr is pollution-free and everlasting.
- It can be used on a large scale in a peninsular country like India.
Geo-thermal energy :
- The temperature in the earth's interior increases by 1°C at a depth of every 32 metres.
- Man has now developed a process whereby this underground heat can be utilized to generate power.
- One such project is located at Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh in India.
The need for using energy frugally :
- The demand for energy is increasing all the time due to growing population urbanization and the growing needs of man.
- It is necessary to use alternative and non-conventional energy resources.
- Therefore, it is necessary to use energy frugally.
Difference between Substance-based Energy Resources and Process-based Energy Resources :
Substance-based Energy Resources
Process-based Energy Resources
Examples - Wood, coal, mineral oil, natural gas, waste matter, atoms.
Examples - The sun, wind, water, tides, and heat from the earth’s interior.
Substances do not last perpetually.
Natural processes are perpetual.
Substances get used up.
Processes are always available.
Reuse is not possible.
Reuse is possible.
Availablity is limited.
Availablity is unlimited.
Takes thousands of years to replenish them.
These are easily available in nature.
Except for atomic energy, all other resources are biotic.
All processes are natural.
Generation of energy leads to pollution.
Generation of energy is pollution-free.
Except for atomic energy, all other resources are conventional.
All these resources are non-conventional.
Generation of energy is relatively cheap.
Developing the technology for the use of these resources is expensive.
Being inflammable, these resources cause damage to the environment.
In the long run, these energy resources are environment-friendly.
Type of power generation : Thermal and atomic.
Type of power generation: Thermal and kinetic.
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