Notes-Class 6th-History-Chapter-10-Ancient India : Cultural-Maharashtra Board

Ancient India : Cultural

Maharashtra Board-Class 6th-History-Chapter-10


Topics to be Learn :

  • Language and literature
  • Life of the people
  • Science
  • Centres of Education
  • Art and architecture

Language and Literature :

  • In Ancient India, there was an unbroken literary tradition. This literature was written in Sanskrit, Ardhamagadhi, Pali, and Tamil.
  • It included religious literature, grammar treatises, epics, plays, stories, and so on.

Some of the important Works are as under :

Sangham Literature :

  • In south India, learned, scholarly men of letters came together in assemblies called ‘Sangham' during different periods.
  • The literature composed by these men is known as ‘Sangham literature’ and it is the most ancient literature in the Tamil language;
  • It includes both prose and poetry.

Religious literature : The important texts include Aagamgranth, Tipitaka and Bhagwad Gita.

Religious literature an types :

Agamgranthas :

  • The Agamgranthas are the Jain scriptures, written in Ardhamagadhi, Shaurseni and Maharashtri— Prakrit languages.
  • The teachings of Lord Mahavir have been stated and interpreted in these scriptures.
  • The noteworthy among the Agamagranthas are :(i)] Sammaisutta by Siddhasen Diwakar; (ii) Paumchariya by Vimalsuri; (iii) Samaraichchakaha by Haribhadrasuri and (iv) Kuvalayamalakaha by Udyotansuri.

Tipitaka :

Tipitaka (Tripitaka )is the Buddhist religious work in Pali. Tipitaka means that which is divided into three parts. These are :

  • Vinay-pitaka that prescribes the rules for regulating the Buddhist sanghas.
  • Sutta-pitaka are the common teachings of Buddha.
  • Abhidhamma-pitika is the systematic analysis of the Buddhist doctrines.

Bhagvad Gita : The Bhagvad Gita tells us that each one of us should do our duty without expecting rewards. It also says that the path of devotion to God is open to all.

Adi Shankaracharya : He wrote commentaries explaining the ‘Upanishads’, ‘Brahmasutras’ and the ‘Bhagvad Gita’.

Arthashastra : Kautilya wrote the Arthashastra in which he discusses at length, what constitutes on excellent administrative system.

Treatises on Grammar :

  • The grammarian Panini's 'Ashtadhyayi' is considered the standard work on Sanskrit grammar.
  • 'Mahabhashya' was written by Patanjali. It explains the concepts presented in Panini's 'Ashtadhyayi.'

Arsha and classical epics :

  • Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata’ are the two ‘Arsha’ epics of ancient India.
  • ‘Ramayana’ was composed by the rishi ‘Valmiki’. ‘Mahabharata’ has been composed by the Sage Vyas
  • ‘Raghuvansha’ and ‘Kumarsambhava’ by Kalidasa, ‘Kiratarjuniya’ by Bharavi and ‘Shishupalvadh’ by Magha are well-known compositions of the ancient period written in classical Sanskrit.

Theatre :

  • India has a long history of telling stories through songs, music, and dance. Bharatmuni's 'Natyashastra' contains extensive discussion of these arts.
  • Among the famous ancient Sanskrit plays are 'Swapnavasavadutta' by Bhasa and 'Abhijnanshakuntal' by Kalidasa.

Narrative Literature :

  • Gunadhya's 'Bruhatkatha’, written in the Paishachi language, is well-known.
  • Pandit Vishnusharma's 'Panchatantra' and Baudhha Jataka tales are both well-known and excellent examples of narrative literature.


Life of the people :

  • There was prosperity as a result of internal and external trade via land and sea routes.
  • Society was divided into a variety of castes.
  • There were shrenis, which were guilds of artisans and traders.
  • Cotton and, on rare occasions, silk and woollen garments were worn.
  • During the Kushan period, the art of sewing clothes was learned.

Science :

Medicine :

  • Works on medicine were also written during this period. These include Charaka Samhita by Charak.
  • Vagbhata too wrote on medicine while Sushruta wrote on surgery.
  • Nagarjuna described various chemicals and metals in ‘Rasaratnakara’.

Mathematics and Astronomy :

  • Indians were the first to use numerals 1 to 9 and the number ‘0’.
  • They also invented the decimal system. Aryabhatta, Varahmihir and Brahmagupta were mathematician and astronomers of great renown.

Centres of Education :

The important centres of education in ancient India were Takshashila, Varanasi, Valabhi, Nalanda, Vikramashila and Kanchi.

Takshashila University :

  • Takshashila university was founded in the fourth century BC.
  • It was a centre of learning in Vedic literature, Buddhist philosophy, logic and ecomomics.
  • Its notable Alumini include Chandragupta Maurya, Charaka, Jeevaka and Panini.
  • Its reputation had spread far and wide in the ancient world.
  • Fa Hien, the famous Chinese Bauddha Bhikkhu, had visited this university around 400 CE.

Nalanda University :

  • Nalanda University was one of the great centres of education, in ancient India.
  • Subjects like philosophy, grammar, logic, medicine were taught here.
  • Students from foreign Countries also came to Nalanda
  • Students seeking admission to this university had to appear for an entrance examination.
  • The university could accommodate thousands of students at a time.

Vikramshila University :

  • It was established by a king named Dharmapal in the eighth century CE. It had six viharas, each having its own separate entrance.

Kanchi :

  • Kanchi in Tamil Nadu emerged as an important centre of education during the reign of the Pallava dynasty (sixth century CE).
  • It served as a centre for the study and teaching of Vedic, Jain, and Buddhist texts.

Art and Architecture :

  • Indian architecture flourished from the Maurya period and reached great heights during the Gupta period.
  • There were stupas, viharas, temples and pillars of the stupas, one at Sanchi was built by Ashoka.
  • The cave sculptures included those at Karla, Nashik, Junnar, Ajanta, Ellora and Gharapuri island. Ajanta is famous for its cave-paintings.
  • The seven-metre-high, rust-free iron pillar at Mehrauli near Delhi is the best example of ancient Indian metallurgical skills. This pillar belongs to the Gupta period.
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