Notes-Class 6th-History-Chapter-2-Sources of History-Maharashtra Board

Sources of History

Maharashtra Board-Class 6th-History-Chapter-2


Topics to be Learn :

  • Material sources
  • Written sources
  • Oral sources
  • Sources of ancient Indian history
  • Precautions to be taken while writing history

Sources of History : All those artifacts, structures and written records as well as folk tales and folk arts that help us to understand history are called the sources of history.

  • A number of objects used by our ancestors still exist. Some inscriptions from past have been recovered. These sources help us to understand history.
  • The customs and traditions, artifacts, structures, folk arts and folk literature and historical documents help us to understand history
  • All these are known as the sources of history.

Sources of History are : (i) Material sources, (ii) Written sources and (iii) Oral sources.

Material sources :

Material sources : The artefacts, articles, monuments or their ruins are called material sources of history.

  • The artefacts like earthen pots and the ornaments throw light on social relationships.
  • From the remains of the foodgrains, seeds and bones of animals we get information of the food habits.
  • The remains of the houses and buildings indicate the period during which these were built.
  • The coins and seeds give information about the economic activities and the progress made by mankind.

Written sources :

Written sources : The Stone Age people have recorded many events and expressed their emotions in paintings on rocks. It was only after thousands of years that man learnt the art of writing.

  • Later man used symbols and signs to record thoughts.
  • Thousands of years later script was developed.
  • In the beginning man wrote on potsherds, unbaked bricks by using pointed objects. He also used Bhoorjapatra — bark of birch tree to write.
  • As man’s knowledge and experience increased, he began to use various forms of writing. The proceedings in the royal court were recorded in writing. The edicts, decrees and deeds of kings were inscribed on stone or copper plates.
  • Many forms of literature such as poetry, plays, books on social and religious subjects, travelogues and scientific Writings developed.
  • All these together form the written sources of history.

Oral sources :

Oral sources : Literature preserved by oral tradition is the oral source of history

  • The oral sources include compositions that are passed on from one generation to the next by word of mouth and preserved by rote-learning. The author of this unwritten literature is unknown.
  • The social customs and traditions are also passed on from one generation to the next.
  • These compositions customs and traditions are not in the written form.
  • However some oral literature acquired written form subsequently.

Sources of ancient Indian history : The ancient period of Indian history extends from the Stone Age to the eighth century CE.

  • Since scripts had not developed at that time, no written sources are available. However, information about the ancient period from 1500 BCE onwards can be derived from Vedic literature.
  • We have a large number of material, written and oral sources of ancient Indian history.
  • Material sources are artefacts and structural remains.
  • The written sources include the stone inscriptions, copper plates, Harappan seals,
  • Vedic literature, Jain and Buddhist religious texts, travelogues of the foreigners, literary and non-literary works.
  • Vedic, Jain and Buddhist literature which was earlier in oral form is now available in written form. However, the tradition of memorization continues.

Precautions to be taken while writing history :

Precautions to be taken while writing history :

It is necessary to take precautions while using these sources to write history. These precautions are :

  • Critical examination of written documents.
  • Ascertain the authenticity of the written documents as to who wrote it. Why and when it was written.
  • Cross-check the conclusions and corroborate the sources.

Map-Sources of Ancient Indian History :

Q. Why are the Vedic literature, the Jain and Buddhist scriptures regarded as the oral sources?


  • Before converted into written form, the Vedic literature, the Jain and the Buddhist literature were in oral form.
  • These were passed on from one generation to the next generation by rote-learning.
  • Even today some of these are learnt by rote method.

Therefore Vedic literature, the Jain and the Buddhist scriptures are regarded as oral sources.



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