Solutions-Class 6th-Civics-Chapter-3- Rural Local Government Bodies-Maharashtra Board

Rural Local Government Bodies

Maharashtra Board-Class 6th-Civic-Chapter-3


Question 1. Select correct options.

(1) The …………… looks after the local administration of the village.

(i) Gram Panchayat

(ii) Panchayat Samiti

(iii) Zilla Parishad

Answer :

(i) Gram Panchayat

(2) It is binding to hold at least …...… meetings of the Gram Sabha in each financial year.

(i) Four

(ii) Five

(iii) Six

Answer :

(iii) Six

(3) At present, there are …………… districts in Maharashtra.

(i) 34

(ii) 35

(iii) 36

Answer :

(iii) 36

Question 2. Make a list of the functions of the Panchayat Samiti.

Answer :

Some of the important functions of the Panchayat Samiti are as follows :

  • To provide facilities for primary education.
  • To look after the public health.
  • To build, repair and maintain roads, drainage, wells and borewells.
  • To supply potable water for drinking.
  • To encourage handicraft and cottage industries.
  • To implement various Welfare schemes for the weaker sections of the society.

Question 3. What is your opinion?

(1) The Gram Panchayat levies various taxes.

Answer :

It is appropriate for the Gram Panchayat to levy Various taxes; because -

  • The Gram Panchayat collects property taxes and water taxes in order to provide water and light streets, highways, and other public areas.
  • It collects tax on the weekly bazaar in order to organise markets, fairs, and festivals.
  • It carries out numerous development and welfare programmes for the rural poor. Taxation is used to raise the funds needed for these tasks.

(2) The number of Zilla Parishads is less than the total number of districts in Maharashtra.

Answer :

  • The number of Zilla Parishads in Maharashtra is 34; whereas the number of districts is 36.
  • The Zilla Parishad is the local government in the rural areas at the district level.
  • Two districts — Mumbai City and Mumbai Suburban do not have any rural population and hence do not have Zilla Parishads.

Question 4. Complete the Table.

My Taluka, My Panchayat Samiti.

(1) Name of the Taluka ………..

(2) The name of the Chairman of the Panchayat Samiti ………..

(3) The name of the Deputy Chairman of the Panchayat Samiti ………..

(4) The name of the Block Development Officer ………..

(5) The name of the Block Education Officer ………..

Answer :

It is the activity based questions, student should do it by self

Question 5. Write a brief note on

(1) The Sarpanch

Answer :

  • The Sarpanch is elected for a term of five years by the members of the Gram Panchayat.
  • The Gram Panchayat carries out its work under the guidance of the Sarpanch.
  • He implements the schemes for the development of the village.
  • He presides over the meetings of the Gram Panchayat.

(2) The Chief Executive Officer

Answer :

  • The Chief Executive Officer is the administrative head of the Zilla Parishad.
  • He is appointed by the State Government.
  • He implements the decisions taken by the Zilla Parishad.

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