Solutions-Class 6th-Civics-Chapter-4-Urban Local Government Bodies-Maharashtra Board

Urban Local Government Bodies

Maharashtra Board-Class 6th-Civic-Chapter-4


Question 1. Choose the right option and fill in the blanks.

(1) The first city in Maharashtra to have a Municipal Corporation ............... .

(Nagpur, Mumbai, Latur)

Answer :

The first city in Maharashtra to have a Municipal Corporation Mumbai.

(2) The body that looks after the administration of places that are in the process of becoming cities ....... .

(Municipal Council, Municipal Corporation, Nagar Panchayat)

Answer :

The body that looks after the administration of places that are in the process of becoming cities Nagar Panchayat

(3) The Office bearer who supervises the work of the Municipal Council.

(Chief Officer, Executive Officer, Commissioner)

Answer :

The Office bearer who supervises the work of the Municipal Council is Chief Officer

Question 2. Answer in brief.

(1) What problems do people face in cities ?

Answer :

The major problems that people face in cities are :

  • Shortage of housing
  • Shortage of space
  • Traffic congestion
  • Disposal of garbage
  • Increase in crime
  • A large population living in slums.

(2) Name the various committees of the Municipal Corporation.

Answer :

  • Education committee
  • Public health committee
  • Transport committee

Question 3. Make a chart giving information about the urban local government bodies according to the points given below.

Points Nagar Panchayat Municipal Council Municipal Corporation
Office Bearers ---- ---- ----
Number of Members ---- ---- ----
Officers ---- ---- ----

Answer :

Points Nagar Panchayat Municipal Council Municipal Corporation
Office Bearers President and Vice- President President and Vice- President Mayor and Deputy Mayor
Number of Members 9 to 15 17 to 38 The total number of members is proportionate

to the population

Officers Executive Officer Chief Officer Commissioner

Question 4. Can you tell ?

(1) Which are the essential functions of the Municipal Council ?

Answer :

The essential functions of the Municipal Council are as follows :

  • Lighting public streets.
  • Planning for social and economic development.
  • Urban forestry and protection of the environment.
  • Registration of births and deaths.
  • Restore or demolish dilapidated (old and in very bad condition) buildings.
  • Providing facilities for primary education.
  • Providing public dispensaries.
  • Making proper arrangements for crematoriums, burial grounds, etc.
  • Providing drinking water.
  • Making proper arrangements for sewage and drainage.
  • Providing fire-fighting services.

(2) Where does the Nagar Panchayat function ?

Answer :

  • There are some areas which are neither entirely rural nor entirely urban.
  • A Nagar Panchayat functions in such an area that is in transit of becoming urban.
  • The Nagar Panchayat is formed in an area with a population between 10,000 and 25,000.

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