Solutions-Class 6th-History-Chapter-10-Ancient India : Cultural-Maharashtra Board

Ancient India : Cultural

Maharashtra Board-Class 6th-History-Chapter-10


Question-1. Answer in one sentence.

(1) Make a list of ancient Indian universities.

Answer :

  • Takshashila, Varanasi, Valabhi, Nalanda, Kanchi and Vikramshila were the important universities in ancient India.

(2) Make a list of the Indian goods that were in demand in foreign countries.

Answer :

  • Fine textile, ivory articles, precious stones, spices and earthen pots were the Indian goods that were in demand in foreign countries.

Question-2. Name the following.

Epics and poetic compositions of ancient India.

Answer :

Ramayana and Mahabharata

Question-3. Fill in the blanks.

(1) The epic Ramayana was composed by rishi ........... .

Answer :

The epic Ramayana was composed by rishi Valmiki.

(2) The science of Indian medicine is called .......... .

Answer :

The science of Indian medicine is called Ayurveda.

(3) Thousands of students could live at the ............. university.

Answer :

Thousands of students could live at the Nalanda university.

Question-4. Answer in brief.

(1) Explain what is meant by ‘Tipitaka’.

Answer :

Tipitaka (Tripitaka) is the Buddhist religious work in Pali. Tipitaka means that which is divided into three parts. These are :

  • Vinay-pitaka that prescribes the rules for regulating the Buddhist sanghas.
  • Sutta-pitaka are the common teachings of Buddha.
  • Abhidhamma-pitika is the systematic analysis of the Buddhist doctrines.

(2) What is the the message of the Bhagvad Gita ?

Answer :

The Bhagvad Gita teaches that one should carry out one’s duties without expecting material gains.

(3) What aspects does Ayurveda take into account ?

Answer :

  • Ayurveda is the ancient Indian science of medicine.
  • It gives detailed symptoms of diseases.
  • It gives information about clinical diagnosis and pharmacy (medicines).
  • It gives tips about the preventive measures to protect people from the occurrence of the diseases.

(4) What is meant by Sangham Literature?

Answer :

  • In south India, learned, scholarly men of letters came together in assemblies called ‘Sangham' during different periods.
  • The literature composed by these men is known as ‘Sangham literature’ and it is the most ancient literature in the Tamil language.
  • It includes both prose and poetry.

Question-5. Discuss. Art and architecture of the Maurya and Gupta period.

Answer :

  • Ancient Indian architecture thrived beginning with the Maurya period and peaked during the Gupta period, consisting of stupas, cave sculptures, viharas, temples, and pillars.
  • Some examples of ancient Indian architecture are the Sanchi Stupa and cave carvings at Karla, Junnar, Nashik, Ellora, and Ajanta. As evidenced by the iron pillar at Mehrauli, there was also amazing advancement in metallurgy.

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