Solutions-Class 6th-History-Chapter-11-Ancient India and the World-Maharashtra Board

Ancient India and the World

Maharashtra Board-Class 6th-History-Chapter-11


Question-1. Name the following.

(1) Places where articles made in Rome were found.

Answer :

Kolhapur in Maharashtra and Arikeunedu in Tamil Nadu.

(2) A new style of art that emerged during the Kushana period in India.

Answer :

Gandhara School of Art.

(3) The language of the books, Mahavansa and Deepvansa.

Answer :


(4) A country to which Buddhism had spread in the ancient period.

Answer :

Sri Lanka

Question-2. Think and expand/elaborate :

(1) Indian culture had an impact on Southeast Asia.

Answer :

  • Many people from India travelled to Southeast Asian countries like Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia either for the purpose of trade or to propagate religion.
  • The Indians carried with them Indian philosophy, manners and ideas of religion as also Indian culture.
  • Kaundinya had established the kingdom of Funan in Cambodia.
  • Many small states ruled by the Indians emerged in this region.

As a result, Indian culture had an impact on Southeast Asia.

(2) The spread of Buddhism in China became easier.

Answer :

  • The Ming Emperor of China invited the Buddhist Bhikkhus, Dharmarakshaka and Kashyapmatanga to China as he was interested in Buddhism.
  • These Bhikkhus translated many Buddhist works into Chinese.
  • The Emperor of China embraced Buddhism.

As a result, the spread of Buddhism became easier in China.

Question-3. What would you do if you are encouraged in your favourite hobby ?

Answer :

Open ended question. Student do it by self.

Question-4. Describe a picture. A picture of the Gandhara style sculpture on a stupa in Hadda, Afghanistan is given in this chapter. Observe it and write about it.

Answer :

  • These images were mostly found in the Gandhara region of Afghanistan, the style is called the ‘Gandhara style’.
  • The facial features of the statues made in this style are similar to those of the Greek people.
  • Greek costumes, amphora and musical instruments can be seen in these sculpture.

Question-5. Find out more about -

(1) The Gandhara style of art

Answer :

  • Following the Greek ruler Alexander's invasion of India, connection between India and Greece flourished.
  • Greek sculpture inspired Indian sculpture.
  • This gave rise to a new sculpting style known as the Gandhara School of Art.

(2) The Silk Route

Answer :

  • The historic terrestrial commerce route from China to Central Asia travelled through India, and Indian traders acted as intermediaries between China and Western nations. Western countries were in high demand for silk.
  • The Silk Route refers to this trading route that passes across the Hindukush mountain ranges.

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