Solutions-Class 6th-History-Chapter-4-The Vedic Civilization-Maharashtra Board

The Vedic Civilization

Maharashtra Board-Class 6th-History-Chapter-4


Question-1. Name the following with reference to the lesson.

(1) Women scholars in Vedic literature

Answer :

Gargi, Maitreyi and Lopamudra

(2) Means of entertainment in the Vedic period.

Answer :

Singing, playing musical instruments, dance and board games.

(3) The four ashramas.

Answer :

Brahmacharyashrama, Grihasthashrama, Vanaprasthashrama, Sanyasashrama.

Question-2. Right or wrong?

(1) Rigveda - Mantras uttered during yajna.

Answer :


(2) Samaveda - Guidance on singing a mantra during yajna rites.

Answer :


(3) Atharvaveda - The Veda derived its name from Atharva rishi.

Answer :


Question-3. Answer in one word each.

(1) The language of Vedic literature ................

Answer :


(2) The meaning of vid................

Answer :

To know

(3) The head of a family. ................

Answer :


(4) The head of shrenis ................

Answer :


Question-4. Name the following :

(1) The musical instruments you know

Answer :

Harmonium and Guitar.

(2) Two modern ornaments of women

Answer :

Bangles and Necklace

(3) Todays means of entertainment

Answer :

Television, Sports, and Cinema

Question-5. Answer in short.

(1) What foods were included in the diet of the Vedic people?

Answer :

  • Barley and rice were the staple food of the Vedic people.
  • Their diet also included milk, yoghurt, ghee, fruits, cereals and meat.

(2) Why were cows priced highly ?

Answer :

  • Milk and milk products were important items of the diet of the Vedic people
  • Cow was a means/commodity of exchange.

Therefore, cows were highly priced.

(3) What was a man expected to do in sanyasashrama ?

Answer :

  • Sanyasashrama was the fourth and last stage in the life of man.
  • At this stage man was expected to sever all worldly relations and spend his time in meditation by going away to the forest.

Question-6. Write notes on :

(1) The religious ideas during the Vedic period.

Answer :

  • The Vedic people offered prayers to the forces in nature such as the Sun, the rain, the rivers, lightning and storms to secure their blessings.
  • They made ritual offerings to the fire to secure favour from the forces in nature.
  • This ritual offering of havi into the fire was called yajna.
  • The Vedic people believed that all things in nature follow ‘Rita’, i.e. a definite pattern.
  • They believed that religion means to follow the rules of nature as any violation thereof leads to natural calamities.

(2) Houses in the Vedic period.

Answer :

  • Most houses were earthen or made of wattle-and-daub.
  • Walls were made of wooden stripes, daubed with clay mixed with cowdung.
  • They called their place of dwelling as ‘Griha’ or ‘Shala’.

(3) Political system in the Vedic period.

Answer :

  • Gramani was the village headman.
  • Vishpati headed vish — a group of villages.
  • A number of vish constituted Janapad.
  • Nripa (king) was the head of the Janapad.
  • The king appointed a number of officials to assist him in state administration, Senapati and Purohit were the most important officials of the king.
  • Bhagdugh has appointed to collect revenue.
  • Sabha, Samiti, Vidath and Jana deliberated on state affairs and provided guidance to the king.

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