Solutions-Class 6th-History-Chapter-6-Janapadas and Mahajanpadas-Maharashtra Board

Janapadas and Mahajanpadas

Maharashtra Board-Class 6th-History-Chapter-6


Question-1. Answer in one sentence.

(1) What is meant by janapada ?

Answer :

Janapadas were the many small states that formed in north India during the post-vedic period.

(2) What is meant by mahajanapada ?

Answer :

Those janapadas which gradually became stronger and expanded their geographical boundaries. Such janapadas were known as mahajanapadas.

(3) Where was the first Buddhist Council held ?

Answer :

The first Buddhist Council was held at Rajgriha.

(4) Who introduced the system of standard weights and measures ?

Answer :

The system of standardised weights and measures was introduced by the rulers of the Nanda dynasty.

Question-2. Can you name the following ?

(1) Some part of today’s Maharashtra was occupied by this janapada.

Answer :


(2) This was an assembly of the senior citizens of a janapada.

Answer :


(3) This was the venue of discussions.

Answer :


(4) Gautama Buddha belonged to this janapada.

Answer :


(5) They had a four-column army.

Answer :

The Nanda Kings of Magadha

Question-3. Match the following.

Group A Group B
(1) Sangiti (a) Ajatshatru
(2) Dhananand (b) Parishad
(3) Pataligram (c) Mahagovind

(d) Nanda King

Answer :

Group A Group B
(1) Sangiti Parishad
(2) Dhananand Nanda King
(3) Pataligram Ajatshatru

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