Solutions-Class 6th-History-Chapter-8-States after the Maurya Empire-Maharashtra Board

States after the Maurya Empire

Maharashtra Board-Class 6th-History-Chapter-8


Question-1. Can you tell ?

(1) The kings who started the minting of gold coins in India.

Answer :


(2) The city established by Kanishka in Kashmir.

Answer :


(3) The king who played the veena.

Answer :


(4) Another name for Kamrup.

Answer :


Question-2. Observe the map in the lesson. List the names of the modern cities which were part of the Gupta Empire.

Answer :

Activity based question. Student should do it by self.

Question-3. Discuss and write.

(1) Emperor Kanishka

Answer :

  • Kanishka was a famous king of the Kushanas.
  • His empire extended from Kabul in the north-west to Varanasi in the east.
  • Gold and copper coins minted by him have been found throughout North India.
  • The Fourth Buddhist Council was held in Kashmir during his reign.

(2) The Iron Pillar at Mehrauli

Answer :

  • It is believed that an iron pillar was erected at Mehrauli near Delhi during the reign of the Gupta Emperor Chandragupta II.
  • This iron pillar has not rusted and is in sound condition even today.
  • This pillar is a symbol of the technical progress made in the ancient India.

Question-4. Make a list of the various books and authors mentioned in the lesson.

Answer :

Activity based question. Student should do it by self.

Question-5. Make a comparative chart of the Vardhan and Gupta dynasties based on the followng points.

Points Gupta Dynasty Vardhan Dynasty
Expansion of the kingdom / empire    

Answer :

(i) Gupta Dynasty :

Founder : Shrigupta.

Expansion of the kingdom / empire : The Gupta empire extended from Punjab to Assam and the eastern coastal region up to Kanchi during the reign of Samudragupta. Chandragupta II extended it up to the north-west, annexed the regions of Malwa, Gujarat and Saurashtra in the west.

Achievements :

  • Established a vast empire.
  • Patronised arts and learning.
  • Made treaties of friendship with kings in the north-west and Sri Lanka.
  • Erected iron pillar at Mehrauli.
  • Prosperity and well-being of the subjects.
  • Excellent administration.

(ii) Vardhan Dynasty :

Founder : Prabhakarvardhan.

Expansion of the kingdom / empire : The Vardhan empire was expanded to Nepal in the north, up to the river Narmada in the south, up to Assam in the east and Malwa in the west by Harshavardhan.

Achievements :

  • Established a vast empire.
  • Patronised arts and learning.
  • Made treaties of friendship with rulers of Kamrup and China.
  • Spent funds on the welfare activities.
  • Patronage to Buddhism and other religions.
  • Prosperous trade.

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