Test-MCQ Class 10-NCERT -Science-Chapter 3-Test-2

Chapter 3: Metals and Non-Metals

Multiple Choice Questions

No of Questions : 15                    Marks: 15

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1. Which one of the following metals do not react with cold as well as hot water?


2. Which of the following oxide(s) of iron would be obtained on prolonged reaction of iron with steam?


3. What happens when calcium is treated with water?

(i) It does not react with water
(ii) It reacts violently with water
(iii) It reacts less violently with water
(iv) Bubbles of hydrogen gas formed stick to the surface of calcium


4. Generally metals react with acids to give salt and hydrogen gas. Which of the following acids does not give hydrogen gas on reacting with metals (except Mn and Mg)?


5. The composition of aqua-regia is


6. Which of the following are not ionic compounds?
(i) KCl
(ii) HCl
(iii) CCl4
(iv) NaCl


7. Which one of the following properties is not generally exhibited by ionic compounds?


8. Which of the following metals exist in their native state in nature?
(i) Cu
(ii) Au
(iii) Zn
(iv) Ag


9. Metals are refined by using different methods. Which of the following metals are refined by electrolytic refining?
(i) Au
(ii) Cu
(iii) Na
(iv) K


10. Silver articles become black on prolonged exposure to air. This is due to the formation of


11. Galvanisation is a method of protecting iron from rusting by coating with a thin layer of


12. Stainless steel is very useful material for our life. In stainless steel, iron is mixed with


16. If copper is kept open in air, it slowly loses its shining brown surface and gains a green coating. It is due to the formation of


14. Generally, metals are solid in nature. Which one of the following metals is found in liquid state at room temperature?


15. Which of the following metals are obtained by electrolysis of their chlorides in molten state ?

(i) Na
(ii) Ca
(iii) Fe
(iv) Cu


Question 1 of 15

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