Test-MCQ Class 10-NCERT -Science-Chapter 7-Test-3

Chapter 7: Control and Coordination

Multiple Choice Questions

No of Questions : 20                   Marks: 20

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1. The movement of sunflower in accordance with the path of sun is due to


2. The substance that triggers the fall of mature leaves and fruits from plants is due to.


3. Which of the following statements about transmission of nerve impulse is incorrect?


4. Involuntary actions in the body are controlled by


5. Which of the following is not an involuntary action?


6. When a person is suffering from severe cold, he or she cannot


7. Which statement is not true about thyroxin?


8. Dwarfism results due to


9. Dramatic changes of body features associated with puberty are mainly because of secretion of


10. A doctor advised a person to take an injection of insulin because


11. The hormone which increases the fertility in males is called


12. Which of the following endocrine glands is unpaired?


13. Junction between two neurons is called


14. In humans, the life processes are controlled and regulated by


15. The centre of sense of smell in the brain is


16. Which body organ is surrounded by meninges


17. Layer covering spinal cord is


18. The cells in our body that can be over a foot long are _____.


19. Gibberellins were discovered from


20. Which of the following controls riding a bicycle?


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