Test-MCQ Class 10-NCERT -Science-Chapter 9-Test-2

Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution

Multiple Choice Questions

No of Questions : 15                   Marks: 15

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1. From the list given below, select the character, which can be acquired but not inherited.


2. According to the evolutionary theory, formation of a new species is generally due to


3. Select the incorrect statement.


4. In human males all the chromosomes are paired perfectly except one. This/these unpaired chromosome is/are

I. large chromosome

II. small chromosome

III. Y-chromosome

IV X-chromosome


5. Rajneesh was studying the fossils of two different types, fossil A was found in upper layer of Earth and B in deeper layers. What can be predicted regarding the age of these fossils?


6. A Mendelian experiment consisted of breeding tall pea plants bearing violet flowers with short pea plants bearing white flowers. The progeny all bore violet flowers, but almost half of them were short. This suggests that the genetic makeup of the tall parents can be depicted as


7. Exchange of genetic material takes place in


8. Two pink coloured flowers on crossing resulted in 1 red, 2 pink and 1 white flower progeny. The nature of the cross will be


9. A cross between a tall plant (TT) and short pea plant (tt) resulted in progeny that were all tall plants because


10. Which of the following statement is incorrect?


11. The maleness of a child is determined by


12. A basket of vegetables contains carrot, potato, radish and tomato. Which of them represent the correct homologous structures?


13. Select the correct statement


14. If the fossil of an organism is found in the deeper layers of earth, then we can predict that


15. Which of the following statements is not true with respect to variation?


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