Historiography: Development in the West
Class 10-History-Chapter-1 Maharashtra Board
Introduction : Historical research, writing and studies are carried out with an objective of understanding the chronology of the past events and their interconnections. This is a continuous process.
The empirical method (method of observation and experiments in laboratory) is used to physical science. This method cannot be used to study history present in historical time to study natural and as we were not observe and experiment, neither can we recreate the historical event.
Objectives of writing History :
- To put the past events in chronological order and analyze
- To verify the authenticity of the collected documents
- To ascertain the truth.
Need of an expert : We can prove the authenticity of historical sources with the help of experts in the following fields :
- An expert who knows the language and script of a historical document, to read and understand its meaning.
- One who can identify, examine the authencity, the period in which the writing and lettering style was prevalent.
- One who can identify the type of paper used, manufacturing date and the age in which it was used.
- One who has knowledge of stamps.
- Historian who can scrutinise various historical references.
Historical Research Method and Stages of Historiography :
- Collect historical sources and carry out its comparative analysis.
- Examine relevant references of the available information.
- Understand references regarding time and space of the given historical events.
- Critically examine various sources of history.
Disciplines contributing in the historical research: (1) Archaeology (2) Archival Science (3) Manuscriptology (4) Epigraphy (study of inscriptions) (5) Linguistics (6) Lettering style analysing branch (7) Numismatics (study of coins) (8) Geneology (study of lineage)
Traditions of Historiography :
Historical writing and historian :
- Historical sources are critically examined and the past events are preserved in writing.
- The writing of critical historical narrative is known as ‘Historiography’.
- A scholar who writes such a narrative is a historian.
Historical writing :
Modern Historiography :
Characteristics of modern historiography :
- Its method is based on scientific principles. It begins with the formation of relevant questions. which are asked in logical order. Hence it is akin to scientific method.
- These questions are anthropocentric which means they centre around man and his activities in ancient societies. History does not advocate any interrelation between Divine and human actions.
- Answers to these questions are based on reliable evidences and are presented in logical order.
- History presents a trajectory of man's journey with the help of his past deeds and actions.
Development of scientific perspective in Europe and Historiography
Development of scientific perspective :
- Europe achieved remarkable progress till 18th century C.E. in the fields of Philosophy and Science.
- Scholars belonging to one school of thought presented the idea of applying this knowledge of scientific method to study social and historical truths.
- After that, discussions were focused on objectivity in history and historiography.
- History gained importance over philosophical discourses and Divine phenomena.
- In 1737 CE, the Gottingen University was founded in Germany. It had an independent department of history.
- Later, German universities became centres of historical studies.
Annales School :
Feminist historiography :
Notable Scholars : (1) René Descartes (1596-1850): Book-Discourse on the Method Country : France Thoughts : (2) Voltaire (Frcmgois-Marie Arouet) (1694-1778): Book- Country : France Thoughts : (3) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831): Book-(1) Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences (2) Reason in History Country : Germany Thoughts : (4) Leopold von Ranké (1795-1886): Book-(1) The Theory and Practice of History (2) The Secret of World History Country : Germany Thoughts : (5) Karl Marx (1818-1883): Book-Das Capital Country : Germany Thoughts : (6) Michel Foucault (1926-1984): Book-Archaeology of Knowledge Country : France Thoughts :
Q. In historical research, why it may not be possible to use the method of experiments and observation?
Hence, experiment and observation method may not be used in historical research.
Q. How Historiography in the 18th century gave importance to objectivity in history?
Useful links :
Main Page : - Maharashtra Board Class 10 - History & Political Science - All chapters notes, solutions, videos, test, pdf.
Books : MSBSHSE -Class 10th History Text Books – Chapter wise PDF for download Next Chapter : Chapter 2 -Historiography -Indian Tradition - Online Notes |
In notable scholar section Voltaire and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich hegel there books names are wrong
Yes, It is corrected now, Thanks for information.
It was of a lot use
These all notes are correct or no because I am writing these notes in my school note book
This point can also be added to the Karl Marx’s column, “According to him, human history is the history of class struggle”. As there was a question based on this in one of the board paper, in MCQ form.
ok, noted