How Seasons Occur - Part 1
Maharashtra State Board-Class-7th- Geography-Chapter 1
Let’s recall :
Rotation of the earth :
- The earth’s turning around its own axis is called rotation of the earth.
- It takes 24 hours for the earth to rotate around itself.
- It rotates from the west to the east.
- Day and night occur due to the Earth rotating on its axis.
- The part of earth which faces the sun, experiences day while part of earth away from Sun that gets no light, experiences night.
Measurement of time :
- The earth’s rotation has enabled us to measure time in terms of days.
- During a single day, we experience different stages like sunrise, midday, sunset as well as daytime and nighttime.
Revolution of the earth :
- The movement of the earth around the sun in a fixed path or orbit is called Revolution.
- Earth takes 365 days for one revolution.
The apparent change in the locations of the sunrise and the sunset :
- Everyday, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
- However, the locations of the sunrise and the sunset on the horizon keep on apparently changing.
- The position of the rising sun keeps on moving towards the south in the period from 21st June to 22nd December.
- From 22nd December to 21st June, the sun keeps on moving towards the north.
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Useful links :
Main Page : Class 7th MSBSHSE – Geography - All chapters notes, solutions, videos, test, pdf.
Next Chapter : Chapter-2-The Sun, the Moon and the Earth - Online Notes |