Notes-Class 7-Geography-Chapter-1-How Seasons Occur-Part 1-Maharashtra Board

How Seasons Occur - Part 1

Maharashtra State Board-Class-7th- Geography-Chapter 1


Let’s recall :

  • India lies in the Northern hemisphere
  • Sunrays become perpendicular only on 21st June and 22nd December.
  • 21st June is the longest day (shortest night) in the northern hemisphere.
  • 22nd  December is the longest night (shortest day) in the northern hemisphere.
  • Sun rays do not fall perpendicular on all areas of the earth because the earth is round. The sun is placed far away so the light rays projecting from the sun tend to reach the earth in almost parallel.

Rotation of the earth :

  • The earth’s turning around its own axis is called rotation of the earth.
  • It takes 24 hours for the earth to rotate around itself.
  • It rotates from the west to the east.
  • Day and night occur due to the Earth rotating on its axis.
  • The part of earth which faces the sun, experiences day while part of earth away from Sun that gets no light, experiences night.

Measurement of time :

  • The earth’s rotation has enabled us to measure time in terms of days.
  • During a single day, we experience different stages like sunrise, midday, sunset as well as daytime and nighttime.

Revolution of the earth :

  • The movement of the earth around the sun in a fixed path or orbit is called Revolution.
  • Earth takes 365 days for one revolution.

The apparent change in the locations of the sunrise and the sunset :

  • Everyday, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
  • However, the locations of the sunrise and the sunset on the horizon keep on apparently changing.
  • The position of the rising sun keeps on moving towards the south in the period from 21st June to 22nd December.
  • From 22nd December to 21st June, the sun keeps on moving towards the north.

Useful links :

Main Page : Class 7th MSBSHSE – Geography - All chapters notes, solutions, videos, test, pdf.

Next Chapter : Chapter-2-The Sun, the Moon and the Earth - Online Notes

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