Solutions-Class 7-Science-Chapter-15-Material We Use-Maharashtra Board

Material We Use

Maharashtra Board-Class 7th-General Science-Chapter-15


Question 1:

Fill appropriate terms in the blanks .
( white cement , soap, detergent , wearing of bones, tooth decay, hard, soft, Portland, fatty acid )

(a) The substance that helps water to remove dirt from the surface of materials is called ...............   .

(b) Fluoride is used in toothpaste to prevent ................   .

(c) Soap is a salt of ...............  and sodium hydroxide.

(d) Synthetic detergents can be used in .............. water as  well .

(e) For construction purposes ...............  cement is the most commonly used cement.


(a) The substance that helps water to remove dirt from the surface of materials is called detergent.

(b) Fluoride is used in toothpaste to prevent tooth decay.

(c) Soap is a salt of fatty acid and sodium hydroxide.

(d) Synthetic detergents can be used in hard water as well.

(e) For construction purposes Portland cement is the most commonly used cement.


Question 2:

Write answer to the following questions.

(a) How does the use of a detergent help to clean soiled clothes ?


  • Detergent is a cleansing agent that used to clean the dirt and oily stains.
  • Detergent molecules combines with the impurities to make them more soluble and therefore wipe them away.
  • A molecule of detergent consists of two ends. One of its ends is holds water molecule while the other end holds oil and dirt. This results in the mixing of oil and dirt with water.
  • Due to the ability to get attached to both oil and water, detergent molecule spreads easily and oil easily come out of cloth along with dirt .
  • This property of a substance expanding on a surface is known as surface activity and the substance is known as surfactant.

The soiled clothes thus becomes clean due to detergent.

(b) How will you check with the help of soap powder whether water is hard ?


Soap can be used to check weather sample of water is hard or soft. Soaps do not produce foam with hard water due to the dissolved salts in the hard water. If we do not get formation of foam in water while using soap, we can say it is hard water.


(c) What are the important ingredients of a toothpaste , and what is the function of each ?


The important ingredients of a toothpaste are  calcium carbonate and calcium hydrogen phosphates which help to remove the dirt on teeth and also helps to polish them. Fluoride is also the most common active ingredients used to prevent decay of our teeth. It helps in strengthening of bones and the enamel which covers the teeth.

(d) What are the ingredients of cements ?


The ingredients of cement are lime (CaO), clay, silica along with some other oxides of aluminium, iron and magnesium. Gypsum (CaSO4, 2H2O) is usually added to regulate the setting rate of cement. In Portland cement there is 60% lime, 25% silica, 5% alumina and remaining iron oxide and gypsum.


(e) What will happen if cement is not used in making concrete ?


  • Concrete is a mixture of cement, water, sand and gravel.
  • Cement helps in making the structures strong and leak proof.
  • If cement is not mixed in concrete, the structures made using concrete will not be strong and leak-proof.
  • A strong and leak-proof slab is possible only due to high quality cement mixed in concrete.
  • If cement is not mixed then there will be the chances of collapsing of building or structure.

(f) Make a list of detergents that you use.


The detergents which we use in our daily lives are-

  • For Hair wash -Shampoo, Ritha and Shikhakai for washing hair
  • For Bathing - Soaps like Moti, Lux etc.
  • For cloth washing-Detergent powder like Nirma, Tide etc.


(g) What should be expected from a detergent for delicate garments ?


A delicate detergent should clean the clothes effectively, remove all kinds of stains without causing any harm to the clothes and maintain the quality of the clothes. Soap nut and soap pod are the best detergent for delicate garments.

(h) What is meant by ' surface activity'? Name three chemicals responsible for the surface activity of various detergents.


  • Surface activity of a substance is the property of a substance of spread on a surface. For example, soap water easily spreads on the any kind of surface and thus is used for cleaning purpose.
  • The substance showing surface activity are called surfactant.
  • Chemicals added for the surface activity to various detergents are alkylbenzene sulphonate, alcohol, kerosene etc.


Question 3:

What are the similarities and difference between -

(a) Natural detergents and man-made detergents


Similarities : Both are used for cleaning purpose

Differences :

Natural detergents Man made detergents
1.Natural detergents refer to the substances which are naturally available and can be used as detergents. Man made detergents are detergents which have been made by humans for their use.
2. Examples of natural detergents include soap nut (ritha) and soap pod (shikhakai). Example of man made detergent is soap.
3. Do not have harmful effect on skin or cloths Man-made detergents may have harmful effect on skin or cloths.
4.Do not cause pollution to water bodies Cause pollution to water bodies


(b) Soap and synthetic detergent.


Similarities: Both are used for cleaning purpose

Differences :

Soap Synthetic detergent
1. Soaps are made by adding sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, coconut oil, salt etc. Synthetic detergents are made up of raw materials like fats or kerosene.
2.They can be used only with soft water. They can be used with both soft and hard water.
3. Mild Soaps not harmful for the skin Harmful for the skin
4. Simple soap may not clean cloth effectively Cleaning is effective.


(c) Bath soap and soap for washing clothes.


Similarities: Both contain fatty acid and both are used for cleaning purpose

Differences :

Bath soap Soap for washing clothes
1. It is a type of soft soap and used for bathing purposes. It is a type of hard soap and is used for washing clothes.
2. Bath soaps are potassium salt of fatty acids. Washing soaps are sodium salts of fatty acids.
3. Mild Soap Hard Soap


(d) Modern cement and ancient cement 


Similarities: Both used for construction purpose

Differences :

Ancient cement Modern cement
1. It was developed by the Romans during the Roman empire. It was developed by a British scientist, John Smeaton.
2. It was prepared by mixing of volcanic ash in moistened lime. It is made from materials like lime (CaO), clay, silica along with some other oxides of aluminium, iron and magnesium and gypsum (CaSO4, 2H2O).


Question 4:

Explain Why -
(a) Soap cannot be used in hard water .


Soaps cannot be used in hard water because they lose their cleansing property when used with it. Soaps do not form lather with hard water and instead forms scum, as a result of which it loses its cleansing property.

(b) Oil does not mix in water . However, oil and water become homogeneous if a sufficient quantity of detergent is added .


Normally Oil and water do not mix they are two immiscible liquids which means both of them repel each other. But when we add a detergent to a solution containing water and oil, the mixture becomes homogeneous. This happens because of the detergent molecule. The detergent molecules have two ends. One of its end holds on to a water molecule and the other end holds oil molecule. This property of detergent helps in dissolving the oil in water and thus making a homogeneous mixture.


(c) Synthetic detergents are superior to soap .


  • Synthetic detergents are superior to soap because synthetic detergents work both in soft water and hard water.
  • There are many additives such as alcohol, anti-foaming agent, germicides etc. mixed with different detergents, it makes it more useful.
  • In contrast, soaps work only in soft water and they are not effective in hard water.
  • Thus synthetic detergents are superior to soap.


(d) Often coloured spots are formed on clothes during washing .


  • Sometime impurities present in soap can cause to form spots on the cloths.
  • Toothpaste, deodorants, hair sprays, strong perfumes with alcohol turmeric are often the cause of stains on garments, some of these appears upon the action of soap.
  • Thus colored spots are seen during washing.


(e) Tobacco masheri should not be used for cleaning teeth.


Tobacco has various kinds of negative effects on our body. Masheri made up of tobacco. It should not be used for cleaning teeth because it can harm to soft and hard tissues of our mouth. Use of tobacco poses serious risks like oral cancer, gum disease, poor healing after surgery, receding gums, and tooth decay.


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