Notes-Class 9-Science-Chapter-10-Information Communication Technology-Maharashtra Board

Information Communication Technology

Maharashtra Board-Class 9-Science & Technology-Chapter-10


Topics to be learn :

  • Important components of a computer
  • Different types of software
  • Importance of information communication in science and technology
  • Opportunities in the field of computers

 ICT (Information Communication Technology) devices :

Different devices are used for producing information, for communicating, classifying, saving/storing information, managing information etc.

Devices that are used to collect, share, process or communicate / exchange information by electronic means are computer and networking hardware, radio, television, telephone, microphone, scanner, speakers, digital camera, video display unit (monitor), printer, plotter, modem, router, Internet and satellites. They are called ICT (Information Communication Technology) devices.

The computer, which is the most important device for information communication, is considered to have gone through five generations, since it was first created.

ICT (Information Communication Technology): Information and communication technologies are the forms of technology that are used to transmit, process, store, create, display, share or exchange information by electronic means.

This technologies uses in electronic equipment such as radio, television, video, DVD, telephone (both land line and mobile phones), satellite systems, and computer and network hardware and software, as well as the equipment and services associated with these technologies, such as video-conferencing, email and blogs,

Data : Data is a collection of unprocessed facts and figures. Information is a processed form of data. It is organized, meaningful, and useful.

Computer generations : A computer is the most important ICT device. Successive stages of evolution of digital computers are called computer generations.

Each generation is characterized by remarkable improvements in technology, internal organizations and programming languages over the previous generation.

  • First generation computers were built using evacuated vacuum tubes called valves. Valves were large in size and generated large amount of heat. So, they had to be well spaced out.
  • Consequently, computers had to be built big and cooled by huge air conditioners.
  • A computer that is about ten times more powerful than other computers of its generation is called a supercomputer.
  • Today’s supercomputers use multiple processors and parallel processing to achieve great processing speeds of more than one billion calculations per second.
  • A computer works in an IPO (Input-Process-Output) cycle to complete an assigned task. It takes raw data as input from the user, uses a set of instructions (called program) to process the data, and gives the resulting information as output. The output can be used immediately or saved for future use.

Characteristics of a computer :

Characteristics of a computer :

  • Speed : A computer can calculate at a vary high speed.
  • Accuracy : The result. of its calculations can be relied upon, provided the data on which it worked and the instructions given to it were themselves dependable.
  • Efficiency : A computer can repeat the same task with the same speed and accuracy as long as it receives the electrical power.
  • Storage : A computer has a huge memory and can store a large amount of data and information.
  • Automation : Once a proper sequence of instructions are given to a computer, it can work on the data completely independently, without further human help.
  • Versatility : With an appropriate software to instruct it, a computer can do unlimited variety of tasks. This is the reason computers are widely used in different fields of our work.


Components of a computer : Two basic components of a computer are

  • Hardware : It is the physical parts of a computer. Hardware consists of all the electronic and mechanical parts used in computers.
  • Software : Software is the programs (commands or instruction sets) that tell the computer how to perform tasks.

Components of computer hardware :

Components of computer hardware :

Input devices : Input devices allow a user to enter data and instructions into a computer. Examples : keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, touchscreen, joystick, graphics tablet and digital camera.

Central Processing Unit (CPU) : The three main parts of the Central Processing Unit and their functions are :

  • ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) : It does all the arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) as well as logical operations like comparisons.
  • CU (Control Unit) : It regulates and manages the whole computer system.
  • Memory unit : This unit temporarily stores the data, instruction and information during processing.

Output devices Output devices are used by the computer to output the information (processed data) to the user. Examples : monitor (video display unit), printer, plotter, speakers, external memory.

Computer memory : Memory is the place for storing data obtained from the input and also the generated solution or answer by the computer. There are two types of memories in a computer used to store data, instructions and information for a short term or a long term.


Computer memory is classified as follows :

  • Internal or Primary Memory :RAM,  ROM
  • External or Secondary Memory : Hard disk, USB Memory Disk, Compact Disk - CD, DVD.

RAM (Random Access Memory) :This is a short-term memory which temporarily holds the program instructions and data that the processor can immediately access while processing. A computer can randomly access any of the memory locations of a RAM, and can both read and write at the memory location. When the computer is switched off, all the contents of this memory getserased.

ROM (Read Only Memory) : This long-term memory, known as the BIOS chip, permanently stores important instructions which should not be changed. It holds critical programs that are essential to bring the computer to a state of readiness after it is powered on. The memory locations are sequentially accessed and can only be read but cannot be changed. The contents of this memory does not get erased even when the computer is switched off.

External Memory (Storage devices) : They are used to permanently store software, as well as raw and processed data. Both the programs and data can then be repeatedly used whenever required. They can also be erased or overwritten by the user.

Softwares :

Softwares : Softwares are mainly of two types-

  • Systems software : Operating system, Utility Software
  • Application software : General purpose, Custom made.

Operating System (OS) is the most essential software of a computer, It is the interface between user and the computer's hardware and the other programs, Without an OS, we cannot use a computer,

Application softwares :

  • General purpose softwares include word processors, spreadsheet and presentation programs, image designing and voicee editing softwares, web browser,
  • Customised  application softwares are created to address specific needs of users in different fields.


How does a computer Work :

How does a computer Work?  :

A computer works in a IPO (Input-Process—Output) cycle to complete a task.

  • Input unit : All types of information/data is entered into the computer through this unit. Generally, a keyboard is used to enter data or information
  • Processing Unit : It is then processed in the CPU (Central Processing Unit).
  • Output Unit : The result / solution / answer is eventually sent to the output unit. Generally a screen / monitor or printer is used as an output unit.


Word processor :

Word processor : A word processor is a software which operates or processes words typed on a computer. Example : Microsoft Word

  • The software allows a user to create and edit text documents and check spellings and grammar.
  • All word processors now offer a choice of typefaces and font styles allowing a document to be attractively laid out before printing.
  • Images, graphs, equations and tables can also be inserted in a text document.


Spreadsheet :

Spreadsheet : A spreadsheet is a table of rows and columns of related numerical or financial data. Example : Microsoft Excel

  • An electronic spreadsheet program has the storage capacity and processing speed of a computer along with powerful facilities for data analysis and presentation.
  • The data can also be represented graphically as a graph or a chart which are often easy to see comparisons, patterns and trends in data.
  • A formula in a spreadsheet is an equation that performs arithmetic calculations and logical operations on values in one or multiple cells. A formula must begin with an equal sign (=) and must be typed without inserting a space.
  • In a spreadsheet, data should be entered in tabular form after defining the data type and format for each column. There should not be unnecessary space and special characters.


Precautions to be take while entering data :

  • Try to kept maximum data in the tabular form.
  • Enter different types of data in different cells.
  • Data should be entered neatly and in one ‘flow’. Unnecessary space and special characters should not be used.
  • Use ‘smart tag’ after ‘drag data’ to fill any data in any manner as required.
  • Once the data has been entered it can be formatted in different ways.
  • Similarly, we can perform different types of calculations, using different formulae.
  • While using a formula, the ‘=’ sign should be typed first. Similarly, no space should be inserted while typing any formula.

Presentation :

Presentation : A presentation is an effective manner of putting across one’s thoughts and ideas to an audience so that they are easily understood. A slideshow is a visual aid that accompanies an oral presentation. Example : Microsoft Power Point

Two other important general purpose application softwares are a web browser and a PDF file viewer.


Web browser : A web browser, like Internet Explorer, Google chrome, Firefox, is used to access websites on the Internet. It also uses one or more Search Engines that search for some particular document or website when specific keywords are entered.

PDF : A PDF (Portable Document Format) file is one that can be viewed or printed without requiring the application software that was used to create it. Adobe Reader, WPS office, is a popular PDF file viewer.

Uses of ICT in science :

Some uses of ICT in science :

  • Collecting scientific information : Scientific information from peers and experts can be collected using the Internet, emails, newsgroups, blogs, forums and chat rooms, Wikipedia, video conferencing, etc.
  • Demonstration : Science experiments and concepts can be demonstrated easily and effectively using simulation and animation.
  • Prediction : Compiled and processed data can be used to predict possible outcomes.
  • Interactive education : Interactive simulations reinforce learning by students to explore a wide variety of physical phenomena and see the effect of changing value. Many simulations and animations can be found on the Internet to illustrate key principles and facilitates interactive learning.
  • Modelling and simulation to improve performance of cars, aircraft structures, etc., trigger technological improvements in these industries.


Job opportunities in the field of computers :

Job opportunities in the field of computers :

  • Hardware: (i) Hardware designing and manufacture (ii) hardware assembly and testing (iii) sale of computers and associated hardwares (iv) maintenance and servicing of computers, ICT devices and computer networks of individual and corporate users.
  • Software : Development of application softwares, custom software packages and scientific applications, and operating systems and utilities.
  • Training personnel: Training new entrants for various job fields. Dedicated personnel are required for designing and imparting ICT based training courses.
  • Marketing : Sales and marketing personnel proficient in using computers and ICT devices.


C-DAC : The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune, is the leading institute in India which conducts research in the field of computers.

  • The first Indian supercomputer, Param, was developed by a team led by senior scientist Dr. Vijay Bhatkar.
  • C-DAC also participated in developing the ISCII (Indian Script Code for Information Interchange) code for writing in different Indian scripts on computer.

Fields of application of computers : Computers are now widely used in all fields of human activity : education and research, entertainment, tourism and transport, offices and banks, industries, medical and social services, law and order, meteorology (weather forecasting), agriculture, sports and defense.

Devices used in communication of information :

Various devices used in communication of information : The various devices are computer and networking hardware, radio, television, fixed telephone, mobile phones  video display unit, printer, plotter, modem, router, Internet and satellites.

  • The use of these communication devices in science are as follows :
  • Demonstration of common or hazardous experiments.
  • Prediction of weather, tides, etc. for early warning.
  • Collection of scientific information from peers and experts all over the world.


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