Solution-Class 6th-General Science-Chapter-7-Nutrition and Diet-Maharashtra Board

Nutrition and Diet

Based on Maharashtra Board Class 6th General Science Chapter 7


Question 1:

Fill in the blanks.

(a) The process of intake of food and utilising it for all life processes is called .......... .

(b) All the substances in our food which are useful for various bodily processes are called .......... .

(c) Carbohydrates and .......... provide .......... to our body.

(d) In a balanced diet, all the nutrients are present in the ....... proportion.

(e) In the food pyramid, cereals are given the maximum space because they fulfil our .......... requirement.

(f) Intake of more food than necessary causes .......... .


(a) The process of intake of food and utilising it for all life processes is called nutrition.

(b) All the substances in our food which are useful for various bodily processes are called nutrients.

(c) Carbohydrates and fats provide energy to our body.

(d) In a balanced diet, all the nutrients are present in the adequete proportion.

(e) In the food pyramid, cereals are given the maximum space because they fulfil our energy / carbohydrates / minerals requirement.

(f) Intake of more food than necessary causes obesity.

Question 2:

Spot the following in the table of vitamins and minerals.
(a) The nutrient present in citrous fruits.


Vitamin C

(b) Vitamins / minerals present in milk.


Vitamin –Vitamin A, B, and D. Minerals-Calcium, Phosphorus

(c) Causes and symptoms of night blindness, scurvy, rickets, beriberi.


Causes and symptoms of night blindness, scurvy, rickets, beriberi

Disease Causes Symptoms
Night blindness Deficiency of Vitamin A Inability to see in dim light
Scurvy Deficiency of Vitamin C Bleeding of gums
Rickets Deficiency of Vitamin D Softening of pones causing pain
and fractures
Beri beri Deficiency of Vitamin B1 Nerve disorders

(d) Foods required to prevent the above diseases.


Foods required to prevent the above diseases.

Disease Foods to avoid these diseases
Night blindness Carrot, milk, butter, dark green vegetables, sweet potato
Scurvy Amla, kiwi, oranges, other citrus fruits, tomato, green leafy vegetables
Rickets Milk, fish, eggs and butter
Beriberi Milk, fish, meat, cereals, nuts, pulses

(e) Causes of anaemia.


Deficiency of iron and Vitamin B12 can result in anaemia as it is required for the formation of red blood cells.

(f) Essential mineral for healthy bones and teeth.


Calcium and Phosphorus

(g) Sensory organ affected due to the deficiency of Vitamin A



Question 3:

Choose the correct alternative.

(a) Pulses are a very good source of .......... .

(1) carbohydrates  (2) Proteins  (3) fats  (4) minerals

(b) .......... provide maximum energy to the body.

(1) Cereals  (2) Leafy vegetables  (3) Water  (4) Amla

(c) Goitre is caused by a deficiency of the mineral .......... .

(1) iron    (2) calcium  (3) iodine    (4) potassium

(d) .......... is a type of junk food.

(1) Orange    (2) Milk    (3) Bhakri    (4) Chocolate


(a) Pulses are a very good source of proteins.

(b)Cereals provide maximum energy to the body.

(c) Goitre is caused by a deficiency of the mineral iodine.

(d) Chocolate is a type of junk food.

Question 4:

Use the food pyramid to select food items of your choice for three days.
Conditions :
(1) The diet for all three days should be balanced.
(2) There should be variety in the items chosen for the three days.


Day 1
Bread and butter with milk, rice/ roti and chicken, curd, any one type of fruit, salad

Day 2
Poha, green vegetable and dal with rice or roti, raita, one fruit, vegetable sandwich

Day 1-
Cereal like cornflakes and milk, apple, roti, sabzi and dal

Useful links of Class 6th General Science :

Main Page : Class 6th MSBSHSE – General Science - All chapters notes, solutions, videos, test, pdf.

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