Test-MCQ Class 10-NCERT -Science-Chapter 10-Test-3

Chapter 10: Light – Reflection and Refraction

Multiple Choice Questions

No of Questions : 10                   Marks: 10

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1. Mirror that can be chosen to view a tall building in a small mirror is


2. The power of a lens is -3.5D. The lens is


3. How dose light normally travel?


4. In case of refraction through a glass slab.


5. Your image in a bathroom mirror results from


6. Coin placed in a bowl when seen from a place just disappears. When water is poured into the bowl without disturbing the coin , the coin


7. The focal length of a concave mirror is 10cm. The position of the object that is useful for getting an enlarged image which can be caught on a screen is


8. Mirror formula is


9. Which type of mirror produces an image that is always erect , always the same height as the object , and always virtual ?


10. light travels fastest through which of the following materials?


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