Solutions-Class-7-Geography-Chapter-10-Human Settlements-Maharashtra Board

Human Settlements

Maharashtra Board-Class-7th-Geography-Chapter-10


Question 1. Answer in short.

(1) Explain the various types of human settlements.

Answer :

  • On the basis of the progress, the human settlements are classified into hamlets, rural settlements, urban settlements etc.
  • On the basis of the distribution, human settlements are classified into scattered settlements, nucleated settlements and linear settlements.

(2) Differentiate between nucleated and scattered settlements.

Answer :

Differences between nucleated settlements and scattered settlements are as follows :

Nucleated settlements Scattered settlements
Houses are close to each other Houses are away from each other.
Social services are available. Social services are not much available
The size of population is comparatively large. The size of population is comparatively limited.

(3) Explain the natural factors affecting the location of human settlements.

Answer :

  • The natural factors like physiography, land/ soil, climate, water supply, river banks, etc. affect the location of human settlements.
  • Human settlements get flourished at places with favourable geographical conditions like availability of water, a conductive climate, fertile land, etc.
  • For example, in the deserts of Rajasthan, we find nucleated settlements near assured sources of water.

(4) Explain how human settlements have evolved.

Answer :

  • In the early settlements, the occupations of the people were dependent on the locally available natural resources. This gave rise to separate settlements of people engaged in a particular occupation.
  • For example, people along the sea coast are engaged in fishing. Their settlements became fishing hamlets. Forest dwellers or tribal people are engaged in collecting forest produce for their livelihood. Their settlements became tribal hamlets. Farmers are engaged in farming. Their settlements became hamlets. Hamlets gradually became rural settlements. Rural settlements further transformed into urban settlements.

In this way human settlements have evolved

(5) Differentiate between a hamlet and a village.

Answer :

Hamlet Village
A size of population is extremely limited in hamlet. A size of population is comparatively large in village.
Most of people living in hamlet have same type of occupation. For example,

people living in Adivasi Pada (Tirbal hamlet) are engaged in collecting forest produce for their livelihood.

People in village have different types of occupations such as farming, fishing, animal rearing, carpentry, etc.
Hamlet is comparatively a scattered settlement. Village is comparatively nucleated settlement.

Question 2. Identify the types of human settlements from the follwing statements.

(1) Their money and time is saved by living on the farm.

Answer :


(2) There is a lot of social life in this settlement.

Answer :


(3) Shops are located on both the sides of the road.

Answer :


(4) This settlement is found at the foothills of mountains or along the coast.

Answer :


(5) Each house is located away from the other.

Answer :


(6) This settlement is good from a security point of view.

Answer :


(7) Having houses away from each other is good for health.

Answer :


(8) The houses are too close to each other.

Answer :


Question 3. Study the diagram and identify the types of settlements.

(A) Settlement ‘A’ has 5-6 houses and the place does not have other facilities.

(B) ‘B’. has a high school, a big market and a small theatre.

(C) ‘C’ has houses, farms, many shops and small industries.

(D) ‘D’ is a natural harbour. Many industries have been established there.

(E) ‘C’ is a settlement that has developed along the roadside. Give two reasons of its location here.

Answer :

(A) Scattered settlement.

(B) Urban settlement/Nucleated settlement.

(C) Rural settlements/ Linear settlements.

(D) Nucleated settlement.

(E) ‘C’ is a settlement that has developed along the roadside. The reason for its location here are as ‘follows :

  • It is located in the foothills region.
  • It is located near the main road.

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