Question 1.
Suggest measures for the following problems:
(A) The slums in the cities are increasing.
Answer :
- Slums are growing as a result of people migrating from villages and less-developed areas.
- The optimal solution to these issues is to reduce migration by increasing local employment possibilities. As a result, individuals will not migrate in search of employment.
- The Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) and other government organisations should construct low-income housing programmes as soon as possible.
- Nationalized and cooperative banks should make housing loans available to the middle class in order for them to purchase a home.
(B) Because of the increasing traffic jams within the city, lot of time is consumed in commuting.
Answer :
- People who live in the city's suburbs and outskirts must commute for a variety of reasons.
- Many people go by private automobile because public transportation is insufficient.
- A large number of public and private cars crowd the roadways and produce traffic congestion.
- This issue could be solved by enhancing public transportation and carpooling.
- The traffic control systems should be improved.
(C) The question of law and order in the urban areas is serious.
Answer :
- When people are unable to find work, they turn to illegal means of earning a living. This raises the issue of law and order.
- Poverty and unemployment are major causes of crime. Priority should be given to poverty reduction and job creation programmes.
- Unemployed semi-literate/educated people should be offered skill training and equipped for self-employment.
- Illegal gangs should be abolished because they encourage unemployed people to engage in criminal activity.
- To eliminate criminals, the police and judicial systems should be strengthened.
(D) The problem of pollution is grave because of urbanisation.
Answer :
- Pollution is caused by increasing industrialisation, a huge number of automobiles, and reckless human behaviour.
- Pollution Control Acts should be strictly implemented in order to reduce pollution.
- Polluting industrial facilities should face harsh penalties.
- The installation and use of effluent water treatment plants should be made mandatory.
(E) Migration has created questions of health and education in urban areas.
Answer :
- Promoting affordable healthcare.
- Increase awareness about good hygienic practices.
- Provision of adequate water and sanitation facilities.
- Promoting affordable and quality education.
- Including government and non government organization to educate people and support them through scholarships when needed.
- Migration from rural to urban areas can be reduced if employment opportunities are provided in the rural areas.
Question 2.
Match the correct pairs :
Group A |
Group B |
(1) Technological development and mechanisation |
(A) Urban areas |
(2) Permanently staying away from your original place |
(B) Lack of planning |
(3) 75% males are engaged in non-agricultural occupation |
(C) Migration |
(4) The problems of solid waste |
(D) Urbanisation |
Answer :
Group A |
Group B |
(1) Technological development and mechanisation |
(D) Urbanisation |
(2) Permanently staying away from your original place |
(C) Migration |
(3) 75% males are engaged in non-agricultural occupation |
(A) Urban areas |
(4) The problems of solid waste |
(B) Lack of planning |
Question 3.
Outline the importance/ advantages of the following:
(A) Technology and mechanisation
Answer :
- Technology and mechanisation boost industrial production, provide jobs, and aid in urbanisation.
- Agricultural production is increased via mechanisation and the application of technology.
- Agriculture's surplus labour force was rendered unemployed.
- As a result, the rural working class relocated to cities in search of jobs.
- This population migration has reduced hidden unemployment in the agricultural industry.
(B) Trade
Answer :
- A place in a region that has facilities for transport, loading and unloading of goods and storage facilities develops into a trade centre.
- This leads to development of trade and related services, like business complexes, banks, credit societies, godowns, cold storages, houses, etc.
- Nagpur is centrally located in India. Urbanisation started increasing as this location facilitated trade.
(C) Industrialisation
Answer :
- Urbanisation is accelerated by industrialisation.
- Urbanisation is aided by the development and concentration of industries in a region.
- Increased industry leads to a rise in job prospects for people in the surrounding communities.
- This population movement speeds up the rate of urbanisation.
- Mumbai evolved swiftly as a result of the establishment of large-scale textile factories here.
- Due to modernization and urbanisation, many villages that were once fishing villages (koliwadas) became part of the Mumbai metropolitan region.
(D) Amenities in urban areas
Answer :
- The expansion of urban areas leads to the creation of a variety of amenities and facilities.
- Cities have transportation, communication, educational and medical services, fire departments, and so forth.
- Traveling is made easier by good public transportation. It facilitates freight movement, market development, trade, and so on.
- Many students from rural areas are drawn to urban areas by higher education facilities. Pune, for example.
- In metropolitan regions, medical facilities are likewise well developed. Many patients and their families travel from all over India to cities like Mumbai to take advantage of these services.
(E) Social harmony in the cities
Answer :
- With urbanisation, there is an increase in secondary, tertiary, and quaternary employment.
- People from all around the nation visit cities as a result, increasing economic activity.
- As individuals from various regions coexist in urban areas, cultural and social traditions are shared. Thus, societal harmony is produced.
Question 4.
Compare the following and give examples:
(A) Transportation system and traffic jams
Answer :
- As cities grow, people start living in the outskirts and suburbs of the city.
- People commute to the centre of the city for businesses and industries, trade, jobs, education, etc.
- As public transport system is insufficient, the number of private vehicles increases.
- This leads to an increase in traffic jams and increase in the travelling time.
- Examples – Traffic Jam in Pune and Banglore city
(B) Industrialisation and air pollution
Answer :
- Industrialisation leads to development and concentration of industries in and around cities like Mumbai.
- Industries use different types of energy and machines to undertake production.
- Many industries let off smoke in the air and cause air pollution.
- Increase in the development of city, paucity of facilities and breaking of law, makes pollution a big problem.
(C) Migration and slums
Answer :
- Slums have multiplied in urban areas as a result of urbanisation.
- The number of housing options does not grow at the same rate as the population.
- In addition, housing in cities is prohibitively expensive. Poor migrants are unable to afford homes in cities.
- Due to their poor economic standing, they construct unauthorised, temporary homes in public areas. Slums are the name for this kind of housing,
- There are many houses per square foot, limited streets, and few basic amenities.
(D) Amenities and increasing crime rate
Answer :
- Slums are where the migratory population resides.
- The local government does not provide them with basic municipal amenities.
- They are made to endure unsanitary living conditions. Numerous social and health issues result from this.
- Many of the migrants might not find work.
- Some of them engage in criminal activity and use unlawful means of income.
Question 5.
Complete the table :
Process of urbanisation |
Effects |
Emergence of slums |
Illegal settlements
Insufficient facilities
Increase in population because of attraction of
good lifestyle.
Can be short-term or long-term
Pollution |
Employment opportunities were generated.
Increase in amenities and facilities
Change from rural to urban |
Answer :
Process of urbanisation |
Effects |
Emergence of slums |
Illegal settlements
Insufficient facilities
Migration |
Increase in population because of attraction of good lifestyle
Can be short-term or long-term
Pollution |
Adverse effect on urban life |
Industrilisation |
Employment opportunities were generated
Increase in amenities and facilities
Change from rural to urban |
Formation of Municipal Council.
Development of occupations.
Better civic amenities.
Question 6.
(A) The growth of cities takes place in a specific method.
Answer :
- Rural industrialization is given importance as rural development is prioritised.
- In the rural areas, numerous enterprises, mills, energy plants, and multipurpose projects have been launched.
- The village's population grows as a result of workers travelling in from the neighbouring areas.
- Hospitals, food services, medical facilities, and tourism all grow to meet their demands.
- As a result, the village expands and changes in shape from its original design.
- The place of Gram Panchayat is taken by the Municipal Council or Municipal Corporation.
- These urban bodies provide better civil amenities, undertake town planning and develop recreation facilities, parks and places of tourist interest.
- In this manner, a village transforms into a town or city.
(B) A planned city of your imagination
Answer :
Residential areas, commercial areas, and areas offering amenities such as education and health care are well defined in planned cities.
Various civic amenities are also designed with the city's future growth in mind.
The contemporary 'Smart City' concept offers planned development of existing and new cities.
Housing, recreation, health, education, and public transportation will all be available in the city of my dreams.
Similar to a planned city of my idea, Chandigarh, New Delhi, and Navi Mumbai are similar to a planned city of my dreams.
(C) Industrialisation causes cities to develop.
Answer :
- Urbanisation is accelerated by industrialisation.
- Urbanisation is aided by the development and concentration of industries in a region.
- Increased industry leads to a rise in job prospects for people in the surrounding communities.
- This population movement speeds up the rate of urbanisation.
- Mumbai evolved swiftly as a result of the establishment of large-scale textile factories here.
- Due to modernization and urbanisation, many villages that were once fishing villages (koliwadas) became part of the Mumbai metropolitan region.
(D) Pollution- A problem
Answer :
- Pollution is derived from the verb 'to pollute,' which implies to contaminate.
- To pollute means to disrupt the ecological balance by introducing contaminants.
- These contaminants end up in the air, water, and soil. As a result, they contribute to air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution.
- Pollution is a threat because it poses several health risks.
- The amount of pollution is substantially higher in cities. As a result, it is mostly seen as an urban issue.
- To limit pollution, numerous laws have been enacted and implemented. Many agreements and treaties have been established at the international level to manage pollution.
- At the personal level, we should ensure that we do not cause pollution and should actively participate in the activities like Swatcha Bharat Abhiyan.
(E) Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan
Answer :
- ‘Swatcha Bharat Abhiyan’ is an ambitious programme launched by the Government of India in 2016.
- ‘One step towards cleanliness’ is the objective of this programme.
- Its symbol is given below :

- It encourage the families to have private toilet i.e. in the house.
- For this purpose, special grant is made available to the Gram Panchayat.
- The funds for this programme are raised by ‘Swatcha Bharat Surcharge.’
Question 7.
Suggest measures for the following problems of urbanisation shown in the following pictures.

Answer :
This picture depicts the problem of air pollution. The remedies suggested are as follows :
- Shifting of industries causing large scale air pollution to the other places.
- Control over the number of public and private vehicles.
- Compulsory check of air pollution test of the vehicles.
- Make it obligatory to use low-lead petrol.
- Vigorous implementation of the prevention of Air Pollution Act.

Answer :
This picture depicts the problems arising out of inadequate arrangement for the disposal of garbage. The remedies suggested are as follows :
- Segregation of wet and dry waste must be made compulsory.
- Involvement of the local NGOs in the management of disposal of waste.
- Encouragement to cooperative societies to dispose green/wet waste into compost fertilizers.
- Efficient planning and execution of the collection of dry/ solid waste by the local government

Answer :
This picture depicts noise pollution. The remedies suggested are as follows :
- Restriction on the use of loud speakers.
- Fixing the time on the use of loud speakers.
- Ban on playing music at the places of celebration.
- Ban on the use of DJ during processions.

Answer :
This picture depicts the problem of water pollution. The suggestions to solve this problem are as follows :
- Make it compulsory for the factories to install and use affluent treatment plant.
- Strict punishment to the industries which dispose polluted water in the different sources of water.
- Ban on Washing clothes, taking bath and washing animals at public water sources.
- Build public toilets to stop people from defecating in open near rivers.